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Unfortunately, I am forced to make the tough decision of leaving Aviva, which is not something I enjoy. No one else's lives should be put at risk. I can't stomach the thought of raising my kid in a world where Mun is an obvious threat. My pregnant girlfriend needs to feel safe and secure. As of yesterday no one did.

I told Veer what I wanted to name the baby if my plan failed. I gave him a beautiful boy name and an even more beautiful girl name if Vi and I were to have a girl. In the meantime, I want to be able to raise our baby together with my wife.


Is that even possible in this world now? If I live long enough to see her again, I'll propose. It would be worthwhile to scavenge for a ring at some point. But right now I have more important matters to attend to than an engagement ring. I need everyone to be safe. We can't let another one of us die of yellow eyes.

Last night I told Veer I had a plan. Well my plan is to lead hundreds of zombies to Muns Camp. Two problems with this plan.


A detour is almost certain to be longer, because I have to take a different route than what I know or I could lead them straight to the others. I don't want these things going anywhere near where Aviva and the others are.


Do I really want to kill his followers? Those people shouldn't be included in the fight between Mun and me. I'd like to think that's not something I would do, but... who's here to stop me?

I'll do anything for my family.

All day I have been walking back to the cabin to see if it is still intact. The place is not only full of zombies, it is crawling with them. Thankfully the yellow-eyed bastards haven't found a way into our home. It seems the lake is untoated, so maybe they can't swim or don't like the water. That means I can go ahead with my plan. It's getting dark, so I need to find a tree to sleep in so they can't get to me.

I found a big sturdy tree to rest my eyes. I need to conserve my energy since I haven't eaten. I hope there are a few caterpillars in this tree for me to eat. Despite how disgusting it is, I have to do what I have to do to survive.


It felt like the sun was cooking half my face when I yawned out of sleep. Taking care not to fall out of my tree, I rubbed sleet out of my eyes. Having picked cleared the sleet from my eyes, I focused my orbs to see the zombies still standing there. I feel my heartbeat speed up in fear as I look out at the many dead rotting corpses. I am beginning to regret my decision to come out here. I wasn't in my right mind when I thought of doing this.

It's too late to turn back now.

I climbed down the tall sturdy tree that was my bed for the night and took out my gun. I also had my knife in hand. Killing these zoms isn't the goal right now, the goal is to have them follow me. My heart is pounding in my chest at the realization of what I am about to do. There's a strong urge in my body to run away from this danger, so I'm shaking a bit. Maybe it's adrenaline preparing me for anything.

I pushed my body to move and jogged to the path I wanted to take to Muns Camp. A few of them began to notice me and that's when I slammed my weapons in hand together to make a clanging sound. Heads and bodies turned by the second and I ran in the direction of my destination. I have to endure the stress of spending all day with no breaks today. I've kept myself in tip top shape by doing my workouts in the morning and running a few laps around the perimeter of the lake.

When I worked out, Aviva was always staring at me intensely. Each time, I knew what she was thinking. There was nothing but lust behind her imaginative eyes. One time I tried to get her to do some sit-ups, but it ended up just leading to sex. Afterward, I asked her why she didn't want to workout, and she said she was over it. In school, she was a top athlete because that's what was expected, but now everyone's gone. Besides, all the running from zombies will keep her in shape. Her words, not mine.

I miss her.


I made it. I actually made it here. I didn't expect that I would succeed in getting all the zoms here. The sun set a few hours ago and instead of climbing another tree I kept pushing. Thinking of Vi helped to take my mind off my aching muscles and blistering feet. I might actually be able to see her again.

Now that the hard parts are over, I can find Mun and put an end to his search.

The fire pit in the middle of their camp is lit. The zombies will follow the light instead of me. I have free reign to find Mun and kill him. His people will die trying to fight this horde or do the smart thing and run. I'm killing two birds with one stone right now, Mun dying and getting our home back.

When the zoms flooded Mun's Camp, I ran behind a large rock and sat for a minute or two to catch my breath. I could pass out at any moment, but this isn't the time. If I kill him, I'll know for sure he's dead, and the only way to know for sure is if I am the one to do it.

I can hear a woman screeching at the top of her lungs followed by gun shots. I wipe the sweat dripping from my chin off and race to a man I saw shooting at everything in front of him. I came up from behind him shoulder bumping him to the ground as his gun flew out of his hands. I stomped the back of his knee, ensuring that he can't run away from me, Then I bent down to his level.

I asked lowly, "Where is Mun?".

"FUCK YOU!" He screamed out in agony.

I don't have time for this shit. His gun was on the ground so I took it and left him to be turned by an approaching corpse.

I put my empty gun on my hip and checked the ammo clip of the gun I just picked up.

Two fucking bullets. You gotta be kidding me.

Women and men's screams could be heard all over but one voice stuck out. I followed the familiar voice to a wooded area away from the chaos caused by me and laid my eyes on Mun yelling at some irrelevant asshole. His hair has gotten longer and he has grown a beard.

He took out his gun and shot the other man in the head with no emotion.

I stepped into the opening and pointed my gun at him. He looked at me squinting his eyes before widening them.

"Camdon. Is all of this your fault?"

I nodded not wanting to waste words on a dead man.

"Great, I just killed this innocent man for no reason. So I'd say that is also your fault."

I clenched my jaw tightly and threw my gun to the ground. I took my other gun and knife off my hip and discarded those as well.

Mun examined me, but he ended up doing the same.

He started rolling up his sleeves. "I have waited far too long for this to happen, Camdon. Your life is about to end."

These two fight too much⭐️⭐️

Yellow Eyes: Safe HavenWhere stories live. Discover now