Burn Bonus

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I lost our bet last night and now I have to go about my day with my hair spread all over my shoulders and tingling the back of my neck making me feel like i'm wearing spider webs as a necklace. But it's only fair that I honor our deal. It's really not practical to wear it down especially since im working on this car with this old man who is messy and dirty. The same old man that keeps eyeing my girl. I have to help him fix this rusted blue truck as part of pulling my weight. I've been reluctantly following his lead. In all honesty I think I know what the problem is but why would I tell him?

Two hours we've been in this garage with nothing to show. I really don't want to do this, why can't I go scavenge for something, it'd be more helpful than this. The took a white rage from his back pocket to wipe his hands clean of the black substance that clouded his hands. He glared at me the entire time, this glare was different from the other times we've glared at each other in the presence of others. There was immense hate behind his eye this time round like he was showing his true colors but only to me.

Naturally I would give the same glare back but Vi told me to be nice so,to break the thick ass tension in the room I asked him nicely "Maybe I should check on the others?".

He took a moment before answering.

"Sure go ahead but be back here by nightfall. I still need a bit of help with this truck boy."

I scrunged my eyebrows together at the word of his statement. I was confused as to why he referred to me as "boy" when I am clearly a woman. I wanted to question him on it but decided it was best not to push the topic. His words made me feel uncomfortable, and I had a sinking feeling that his usage of 'boy' was intentional and loaded with prejudice.

"Oh okay. See you later." I said awkwardly as I left the garage. His words were like a lead weight dragging me down, making me feel like I was walking through tar. It was uncomfortable and stifling, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake his words.

I spotted Vi helping their leading lady with a small garden at the front yard of a house. Mun's with them, teaching the old lady something new about gardening, I bet. The focus of my attention is actually glued to Aviva and how stunning she looks even as she is doing the most mundane of tasks. Watching her work is like a breath of fresh air in the midst of a dreary day - suddenly everything is bright and vivid and alive.

She noticed me staring from by the mailbox I was standing at. I saw her smiling wide as she walked my way after speaking a few words to the boss lady. As she embraced my waist with her arms and kissed me chastely, her arms grew tight around my waist.

"Are you playing nice?" She asks

"Uhh, yeah, I'm playing nice." I say gently moving her hair from her face.

"Good. What have you been up to all day?"

"What do you mean all day? It's been about two hours."

"No, I'm pretty sure we've been contributing for 4 hours."

"Really I guess day dreaming makes time go by super fast."

"So what were you daydreaming about?"

"You," I replied, taking a moment to admire her beauty before reality set in. I felt her grip on my waist tighten as I heard the old man's voice echo from behind me, instantly killing the moment. "What are you doing?" he asked gruffly.

"I was just checking on my friends." I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Get back to your post," he said, pushing me back towards the garage.

Vi stepped in. "Hey! Keep your hands to yourself."

He put his hands up in surrender with an annoying chuckle. "C'mon now sugar plum, No harm No foul. Right?"

His wife their group leader approached and basically said he liked to joke around. I shrugged it off and after a sec Vi did too. I walked back to the garage with the old man following close behind me.

When we got back in I sat on a stool next to a wall and folded my arms.

"What are you doing? Get to work." He said flatly grabbing tools.

"I think we should talk." I say seeing that a conversation is necessary.

He turned to glare for a second then grabbed a stool and sat in front of me. Not too close though.

"First, what's your name, I know you guys introduced yourselves but I wasn't listening."

He sighed then answered. "Bill. Now I got a question for you."

"Shoot." I say sitting back folding my arms too.

"How did a Moon Cricket Jigaboo like you get such a fine piece of Indian ass like hers? Hell, what are you a man pretending to be a woman." And there it is, his racist undertone coming to light. I knew this place was too good to be true. I was about to attempt to answer his bigioted question but he went on.

You make me sick, but that lady of yours, oh she makes me dick harder than my wife ever could. I'll tell you what... I'll take her off your hands. How does that sound?"

Our eyes met for a few seconds, long enough for my anger to go from 0 to 100 and killing him to become a goal instead of a drifting thought. I was filled with rage, my vision blurred and my pulse raced as I tried to contain my anger. I couldn't believe the audacity of this man, trying to take something that was so precious and important to me. I was seething with anger, and I wanted to lash out and make him pay for his disrespect.

What's holding me back? There aren't chains physically chained to my ankles and wrists, im not behind metal bars. The only thing that's stopping me from ripping his throat out is the consequences of my actions. This time round I think I'll take the consequences whatever they are.

I quickly reacted and quickly delivered a fierce blow to his face, knocking him to the ground. I leapt on top of him and started raining down punches, but he quickly retaliated with a painful grab at my genitals. I screamed and he forced me away, both of us standing again. We were locked in a fierce battle, neither one of us was willing to give in. We continued to trade blows, each of us determined to gain the upper hand.

He managed to briefly overpower me and pinned me against the wall. I was able to wiggle free and we stumbled back into the middle of the room. We were both exhausted, but the fight continued until I finally managed to land a powerful punch that sent him to the ground. I kicked him repeatedly until I knew he wasn't going to get back up.

Blood drew from his face and with how hard I kicked I know his body was aching. But i'm not done after what he said... He isn't coming out of this garage alive. I grabbed some tools and quickly fix what I knew was wrong with the car. After I made the car engine roar I took a crowbar and began beating the old man with it starting with his legs and making my way up his body with it. He needs to suffer before he dies.

Making sure not to kill him yet I grabbed one of his liquor bottles still full and matches I found in his tool box. I got into the blue car and drove out of the garage but before pulling off completely I made a molotov and threw it directly into the garage watching it ignites into flames before pulling off to find Aviva and the others. It was like a phoenix rising from the ashes, as the car drove away from the burning garage and into the night, towards an uncertain future.

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