Rei Bites My Face Off

46 4 9

Osamu Dazai

Okay, before you ask about the title, my beautiful face is fine. Actually, it's better than fine, but you'll see why soon enough.

Anyways, when Rei and I walk back into the office, Chuuya is the first to greet us, "Oh look, it's my two favorite walking disasters."

"You seem to be making yourself comfortable, Chuuya," Rei says in return. "Seeing as you're technically an enemy of the ADA, I suggest you watch your mouth." Of course, she says this in a way that I can tell she's joking, but judging by Chuuya's expression, he has no idea she is.

I let out a little chuckle, "Oh lighten up, Mini Mafia, she's joking."

Chuuya is fuming now, and Rei's laughing at him: Mission accomplished.


"You guys um... you guys go ahead," Rei says as we walk up the steps to Kunikida's home. Chuuya and Yuma walk inside slightly hesitantly, but I turn around to face Rei.

"C'mon, Rei, it's freezing out here and by the looks of it it's going to be raining soon." I tell her, reaching out to brush a piece of hair off her sleeve. She looks absolutely stunning tonight, wearing a fitted black turtleneck tucked into a faux leather skirt and black knee-high boots. She's also wearing this tiny pearl butterfly necklace. The pale color matches her hair but it also brings out her eyes. I myself am subtly matching her with a black button down, black slacks, and a black wool sweater.

"Are you sure I was really invited-"

"Rei, even Chuuya and Yuma were invited, and they're part of the mafia... Kunikida invited you and them because you're his friend and they... well, let's just say he didn't want to leave them out."

"Yes but-"

"No buts," I take her wrist and lead her up the stairs and through the door. I tug her a little closer, resting my hand on the middle of her back as I lead her through the party. "You look pretty cute tonight anyways," I say, my voice drowned out by the talking and music.


"I uh... said you look like a boot."

Rei gives me a look and rolls her eyes, but she smiles a little.

Everyone's here, save for the President who said he had some other matters to attend to, which I find hard to believe...

Immediately, Yosano comes over and pulls Rei into a hug and as we walk into Kunikida's tidy kitchen where he's put out food and drinks, Ranpo greets us, and so does Junichiro and Atsushi.

"See?" I say to Rei as I hand her a glass of water, "people want you here, Sayuri."

Kunikida joins us a moment later, "I'm glad you guys could make it."

"Kunikida," I say almost immediately, "Are those new glasses? You look very manly tonight."

"What- Dazai!"

I laugh, "oh come on, it's true."

"They're not new. They're the same ones you've been making fun of for the past couple years."

"No way!" I pluck them off his face. Kunikida folds his arms, but he's smirking. I can tell he's enjoying himself as I put his glasses on my face and turn to Rei. I can't really see anything in his glasses because the prescription is so strong. "How do I look?"

She slides the glasses off of my face with a laugh, "I don't think they work for you." She gives them back to Kunikida.

"For anything, they make you look like a woman, Dazai," Kunikida says.

I glance over at Rei, then across the room to where Yuma is standing with Chuuya who has a glass of red wine in his hand (that's going to be unpleasant to deal with later). Rei and Yuma are two of the strongest women I know... for Kunikida to say I'm like them, well, I smile and say, "Thank you."

Rei laughs and Kunikida just looks confused. By the way Rei's eyes sparkle, I'm guessing she got my joke.

"I don't think I'll ever understand you Dazai," Kunikida says with a sigh.

I only smile and Kunikida smiles back and then moves on to greet other guests.

Rei takes another sip of her water and that's when a thought occurs to me: She may be chaos sipping madness from a cup of disaster, but damn, she makes it look so good. She sets her empty glass on the counter behind her and meets my eyes. That's when I realize I've been staring. I feel warmth creep up the back of my neck as Rei smiles at me. Even though it's a smug smile, it still gives me butterflies.

Kunikida has turned on the television so we can watch all the fireworks downtown when the clock strikes midnight (I better not loose my shoe this time because Kunikida still hasn't given it back from last year when my shoe fell off while I was leaving his house from last year's New Year's party).

Kunikida, Ranpo, Yosano, and Junichiro are sitting on the sofa infront of the television, talking to each other. Junichiro's sister, Naomi, stands near Kenji, Kyoka, and Atsushi in the kitchen. Yuma and Chuuya are also sitting on the sofa, watching the countdown on the screen.

Rei and I are standing in the kitchen as well. She's rather quiet, watching the screen with feigned interest.

And then it's 11:59pm with ten seconds left. Everyone starts to count down out loud, and when I speak, I don't bother shouting over them as I turn to Rei.

"This-this isn't easy for me to say, Rei... but... I've never felt like this for someone... so um..."

"What are you trying to say, Dazai? Spit it out." She says, still watching the television.

"Please don't shoot me," I say, knowing I'm probably about to make myself look like a moron.

"What do you mean?" She looks over at me.

"Well, I'm about to do something stupid."

"You're always about to do something stupid, so how's this any diff-" Right as the clock strikes 12:00AM, Janurary 1st, I kiss her. And gods have I been waiting too long to do so.

She lets out a squeak of surprise. I pull away, and swallow. 

"Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often," Rei whispered.

And then we're only staring at each other, when Chuuya ruins the moment from somewhere behind me.

"It's about damn time," he says loud enough for everyone to hear.

I laugh some as I take her into a hug from behind, my hand around her waist. Rei takes my free hand and laces our fingers together, leaning her head back against my chest and smiling up at me. I kiss her hair this time, and Chuuya speaks up again.

"Oh get over it you two- hmph-!?" Yuma grabs him by his shirt collar and kisses him too.

Did Rei really bite my face off? No. Did it confuse all of you? Probably. Was the title worth it? Absolutely.

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