Chapter 13

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As Gwen hesitated, the plants' leaves remained motionless, like delicate fingers paused in mid-air. The water's surface, once rippled by the woman's descent, now reflected the surrounding foliage with perfect calmness. The air was heavy with anticipation, as if the garden itself was a living entity, watching Gwen's every move.

Gwen's heart still racing, she took a cautious step forward, her eyes scanning the water for any sign of the woman. But there was nothing - no ripples, no bubbles, no hint of movement. It was as if the woman had never existed at all.

Yet, Gwen knew what she had seen. She had heard the haunting song and felt the enchantment wash over her. She took another step, her senses heightened, and that was when she saw it: a single, long-stemmed flower, its petals shimmering with an otherworldly light, rising slowly from the water's depths.

The flower's gaze seemed to meet Gwen's, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. The plants around her remained frozen, but the flower's petals began to sway, ever so slightly, as if beckoning her closer.

The magical dancing creatures gazed at her with wonder, their iridescent wings fluttering in unison as they drew near. Their delicate, petal-like skin glimmered in the soft light, and their piercing voices trilled with excitement.

"Who was that?" she asked, but they responded in a language that sounded like the tinkling of wind chimes, incomprehensible to her.

She turned to the plants, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. "Can you understand me? Who was she?"

But they simply continued to creep closer, their tendrils curling around her like gentle fingers. At first, she thought it was a welcoming embrace, but as they wrapped tighter, she realized their intentions were far from benign.

Before they obscured her vision, she caught a glimpse of the woman's blond hair breaking the surface of the water, like a sunlit ripple on a summer's day.

"Hey... help!" she cried out, but the woman vanished beneath the waves once more. The creatures, though cute and endearing, revealed their true nature as they carried her toward the water's edge. Their sweet, floral scent turned cloying and overpowering, making her stomach churn with fear.

As they reached the water's edge, the woman resurfaced, her tail fluke glinting like polished silver in the sunlight.

"Wait, stop! Please," she begged, but her strength was no match for the plants' collective grasp. The water's dark depths seemed to yawn open like an abyss, its mysterious silence a stark contrast to the creatures' cacophonous chanting.

They hailed something in unison, their voices rising to a frenzied crescendo as they prepared to toss her in.

"What? Please no, stop!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face like warm rain. For a moment, the plants hesitated, mesmerized by the salty droplets welling up in her eyes. One curious shrub reached out to taste her tears, its leaves brushing against her skin like soft, damp fingers.

After touching the tears, the shrub spoke in a low, rumbling voice, its words like the gentle lapping of waves on a shore. The other plants paused, attentive, as if sensing a hidden truth. The air was heavy with anticipation; the only sound was the soft lapping of the water against the shore and the quiet hum of the creatures' wings, still in mid-air.

They stopped moving and were all staring at her, their eyes fixed on her like predators sensing prey. Just when she thought they had changed their minds, they hurled her into the water with a collective grunt, the sound echoing through the stillness.

She plunged into the depths, the cool liquid enveloping her like a shroud. She thrashed about helplessly, her heart racing with terror, scanning the darkness for any sign of the mysterious woman. When she spotted her, she kicked and stroked towards the shore with all her might, her muscles burning with exhaustion.

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