Chapter 27

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He groaned and struggled, trying his best to talk to the figure in front of him.

He had recently been moved into a better chamber, being treated as a prince but his actions showed he wanted none of that.

He watched from the balcony, the people hastening towards the signs put on walls and poles, wondering what it was all about.

He had to stay calm for the time being after trying everything to escape from the unlocked door to his chambers, which was not guarded.

Due made it simply clear that he could escape from his grasp even when the were no guards assigned to him.

The door barged open to reveal Due handling a familiar piece of jewelry in his right hand, having put his left behind his back and walked in gently.

He snapped to see who was there, the king, standing in front of him.

"Do you recognize this?"
He paced towards him having an anklet in his right hand.

He became calmer when he saw it, wondering how he came about it.

"You do recognize this, don't you? It bears the same symbol behind your mother's neck, doesn't it? The one she gave you, but you didn't have it on you, did you? No, I don't think so. But I wonder how it got here, hmm... From the deck on it, it seems it may have traveled a long way here, one might say back in time... "

He opened his mouth to talk but still no word.

"What? Can't hear you."

He chuckled to pull his legs and turned away to exit the room.

Gray could do nothing but whimper and cry.

"Oh... and I must say, your friend, Aileen, she's a brave young woman who doesn't deserve to die, but look what you brought upon her and the others. You're cursed, Gray, and everything you touch also becomes that... cursed. But see my son, I'll mold this curse to your advantage, once I get rid of your bad influence; Aileen, and become the bringer of terror, then you shall be at my right side, where you always belonged, my only child, not with your mother, she's only made you pathetic, and weak."

He exited the room.


"My queen, I may have gotten some information about the man of old you were talking about. It sounds absurd but I think you must come to know about it," Sybil approached Ananda.

"Of course, I'm all ears."

"Since the day you told me about your other son, Graye, I did a little digging. It wasn't easy, but I found something; the man you met was Abel..."


They faced the stunned crowd, preparing for their end.

Their crosses were brought and placed behind each of them, and the rare executionist released their shackles.

The look in Bemia's eyes made it very clear she wasn't going down without a fight, but something strange had happened to the girls when they left Due's shrine, they looked pale and worn out, and they could not rely on what little strength they had left to endure their deaths to fight against them.

Dierdre, adorned in a black straight dress of little weight, fitting perfectly her slim body, walked further towards the balcony, being set apart and before Due and Beomia, let a smile out, tilting her head a bit downward, while she glared at the crowd and holding both arms up to support the black thin scarf that fell from her shoulders to her back.

"People of Elivse, you must be wondering why these beautiful women; the sisters, and our very own library keepers, have been brought up this hot afternoon to be laid to dust.

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