Elizabeth's POV:

471 17 3

There are some mentions of graphic content in this chapter,  beware!!

There's something wrong.

I'm not sure what it is but I know it's not anything good.

Nobody will tell me anything they just shut up whenever I come into the room and change the topic, I feel a pit in my stomach that keeps growing, warning me that something really bad is about to happen and reminding me that I can't do anything about it. I hate it.

I hate it because I know it has something to do with our newfound enemy, I hate it because it's my fault they're our enemy, no matter what Enzo says I know it will always be my fault, the only one denying it is him.

I started school a few days ago, it's online so it barely takes me 2 hours to finish but that just gives me more time to worry which causes the pit in my stomach to grow even more.

We have more guards surrounding the house at all times which is one of the things I worry about. You know that saying "calm before the storm?" Well, my storm's coming soon and I'm not prepared for it at all. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a walkie-talkie going off.

"Sanchez, report to conference room 3 immediately, bring Liz." That's all it said, no context or anything. Great.

Alfonso's completely calm as he guides me to Enzo's conference room, but he'll look down each hallway when we pass by them and his hand never leaves his gun which tells me there's something that's causing him to stay on alert.

It didn't take long to reach Enzo's conference room but when we got there I wish we hadn't.

Everyone I knew was in that room, my cousins, my brothers, my bonus brothers, even a new man I'd never seen before but he looked like Alessandro so I gathered he was my Uncle.

Their presence didn't freak me out, it was the emotion on their faces that did the trick...

Fear. Complete and utter fear.

After being introduced to my uncle, I was able to sit down. Alfonso was holding onto the back of my chair as if he was silently telling me that he had my back, any other day I would've found that comforting but not today.

I suddenly didn't have the energy to talk as a picture of Sierra and Daniel showed up on the screen, they had wanted signs underneath their picture and a description of what happened, but I couldn't read it, instead, I just looked at Enzo who was now seething in front of me, he was angry but still scared.

"Sierra and Daniel escaped from jail this morning." He waited for me to acknowledge him but I couldn't. I felt sick and winded like someone punched me in the stomach hard. I could sense this wasn't the end of the conversation, there was more that needed to be said, so instead of trying to talk, I motioned for my brother to continue, sadness washed over him as he looked at me struggling to stay upright. 

"Jürgen Becker hired a very highly trained assassin to find you, we recently received word that they attacked one of our warehouses not too far from here so they know we're in California, which means they are too." 

The silence was something I'm used to but the kind of silence invading this room right now was entirely different, it was full of pain and fear. 

I knew something was wrong I just wasn't sure what, knowing didn't get rid of the pit in my stomach, it just opened it even more. 

It took me a minute to formulate any sane thoughts, but as soon as I did, millions of questions filled my mind. I heard what my brother said, but I can't help but feel there's something they don't know, something incredibly important.

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