Chapter 35: Sky is going to collapse

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"Extraterritorial Black Dragon King Special Envoy!"

The people from the Sky Survey Division shuddered inexplicably.

Outside the territory, it is an untouchable mark for the Dragon Kingdom.

Sergeants outside the region are even more treated with the best laws of the world today.

A certain western power once detained an extraterritorial soldier for privately. As a result, all of them were killed overnight.

Since then, the outside world has been entrenched as high above the countries as the gods, and no one dares to touch the scales of it.

"Team Hu, do you want to ask the inspector general?"

Li Yue took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

"What do you ask for?"

"It's illegal to kill. You have a few heads to carry the Black Dragon King's special envoy who is dying."

"Warning that guy, don't let go of the envoy, the sniper shot him on the spot."

Hu Dongsheng, who led the team, gave the order without even thinking about it.

Yang Hu is going to die in Dongzhou.

Not only him, but the entire upper class of Dongzhou will suffer.

"But, he is Black Arrow, our protector of Dongzhou." Li Yue reminded in a low voice.

"Lao Tzu cares who he is, and I cannot override the law."

"Xiao Guo, shout." Hu Dongsheng urged impatiently.

A young policeman next to him picked up his horn and shouted: "Listen to the people in front, please raise your hands immediately and squat on the ground to stand by..."

"Hey, you can't kill me!"

Yang Hu raised his hand and smiled triumphantly.

In the Dragon Kingdom, he is a god.

Do these ants dare to disrespect God?


Jiang Lianlen smiled coldly, and the dagger pierced Yang Hu's eye sockets severely.

Yang Hu had already been robbed of his ambition at this time, so there was no way to dodge it.


Blood splattered.

The dagger didn't penetrate deep into the eye socket, and Yang Hu's eyeball fell out after picking it up.


Yang Hu gritted his teeth and screamed, his whole body twitching in pain.

"Eat it!" Jiang Han pointed at the **** eyeballs on the ground.

Putting on the night suit, he is a crime hunter from hell.

Blood and terror are also sharp weapons to deter all evil people.


Yang Hu's steel teeth shattered, his cheeks bruised and furious.

He is in pain.

He was very angry.

He is the devil that makes everyone fearful.

However, at this moment he only hates his incompetence and his cowardice.

"You are scared!"

"It hurts, I want to cry, I want to beg for mercy, right?"

"Sinners are like this, they are really pitiful and humble."

[MTL]Super Three-child Dad: Sign In To Become the Richest Man(Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now