Chapter 144: Mr. Jiang is really a genius doctor

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"Let me show you, you know medicine, do you know viral principles and science?" asked a young man wearing a mask with a sneer.

"I don't understand." Jiang Han answered honestly.

"Do you know how rare this sample is? At present, Long Country is zero-infectious. This virus has been sealed by multiple technologies, and its fresh activity must be ensured. There are no more than ten medical research laboratories in the country that have samples, and each sample is It is more precious than the giant panda. If the virus is destroyed, will you take the responsibility?" the young man shouted excitedly.

In the past six months, in addition to the research and development of conventional drugs, the laboratory's main focus is the development of virus antibodies. It is difficult to develop clinically effective ones, but they have become waste because of the virus's self-mutation.

R&D was all in vain, and everyone in the laboratory was in a terrible mood.

At this time, a person who didn't understand medicine was messing around here, but he didn't hit the gun.

"Jiang Han, don't mess around here, Professor Ji, you are busy, I won't bother you." Su Muxue was afraid of offending this group of living ancestors, pulling Jiang Han and leaving.

Jiang Han smiled and opened her hand: "I don't know medicine, but I know how to treat diseases, I don't know viruses, but I know how to detoxify and put poisons."

"Hehe, you are making fun." The young man sneered.

Jiang Han knows that these leaders have a big temper, high spirits, and are not angry: "You have chest pain recently, insomnia at night, yellow urine and tingling. You need a good rest."

"It's in our business, so long in the laboratory, isn't it normal to have these symptoms?" the young man said arrogantly.

"But you have an egg-sized pustule on your inner thigh. If you don't get a diagnosis and treatment, you may spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair." Jiang Han sighed slightly.

"You, you..." The young man trembled, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Yuan Fei, are you okay? Is this true?" the R&D member next to him asked with great concern.

Yuan Fei nodded.

It is true that he has recently been hot and hard to sleep, his whole body has been soaked in heat, and his thighs are bulging. He didn't take it seriously at first.

It's just that he is busy with research and development and doesn't want to hold back the team, so he has been holding on.

"And you, you haven't been here for four consecutive months, and your skin has become dark and yellow and spotty. If you don't rest, I'm afraid you will enter menopause early." Jiang Han pointed to the youngest girl in the team. .

"Xiao Rong, he, is he right again?"

Everyone looked at the female scientific researcher who was less than thirty years old.

Xiao Rong nodded his head, and looked at Jiang Han with a little more surprise and respect.

"Mr. Jiang, let us have a look." Others also asked eagerly.

Jiang Han talked about the hidden illnesses of everyone one by one, and it was Ji Dazhong's turn in the end.

Although Ji Dazhong was horrified in his heart, as a professor and mentor, he still seemed calm on his face: "Mr. Jiang, does Ji have a hidden illness?"

"Mr. Ji, your problem is more serious than they are. You have been getting cold on the bottoms of your feet recently, and your knees will suddenly feel soft when you walk. However, at night, your whole body becomes dry and the top of your head is as difficult as a stove, causing you to sleep. insufficient."

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