Chapter 135: Devil in the rainy night

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This magnificent village exudes a deathly silence under the raging storm.

Inside the King's Pavilion.

The Ding brothers, who were originally noisy, looked nervous at this moment.

Jiang Han's phone call completely crushed the arrogance and confidence of the Ding family. They never dreamed that the biggest trump card, Tan Kai, who held a group army in his hand, said it would be gone.

Without Tan Kai, today's battle can only rely on the more than one hundred masters of the Ding family.

"Second, is there any news about Jiang Han?" Ding Renwang glanced at the alarm clock on the wall, and it was less than one and a half hours before the early morning.

However, they still haven't figured out whether Jiang Han is coming alone or a group of people.

There is no clue at all how much to come, how to come.

"No, our people have set up cards at various intersections in Dingzhou, but so far, no suspicious movement of most people from other places has been found." Ding's youngest replied.

"Let everyone get up and running. Don't sleep tonight. The surname is Jiang. It's almost time to arrive."

King Ding stood up and took off a pair of golden mace hanging on the wall.

This pair of mace is something outside the territory, made of profound iron, extremely hard.

Ding Ren Wang loves wealth and wealth, and he deliberately plated his mace with a layer of gold. He hasn't touched this old partner for nearly ten years since he moved to Jiangdong.

At the beginning, he had a pair of golden maces with power, such as Qin Qiong's rebirth, who is not afraid?

Tonight is the time to show its glory again.


The torrential rain is like a note.

In the back mountains of Dingjiacun, the blood-red eyes of 3,000 war horses were motionless, and the soldiers' armor was dripping with rain, but no one was distracted by this. Their eyes were only excited and murderous.

"Wang Shuang, what's the situation?" Jiang Han walked over.

"Instructor, we have checked. The other party's people are mainly concentrated in the ancestral hall. There are a total of about 150 people, and all of them are honest and honest. At least 70 of them have guns in their hands. Most of them are earthen guns. There are a small amount of AK and micro punch." Wang Shuang reported.

"Zidakai, are the brothers full?" Jiang Han asked.

Zida nodded and said: "I have eaten, one by one, waiting to go down the mountain and start fighting!"

Jiang Han glanced at the Three Thousand Warriors, and nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, the Ding family must not have thought, we will kill in the rain."

"They didn't even think that your armor can withstand bullets!"

"This time the gun formation is a team of three, with two hundred people from each of the three legions. The group attacked and killed each. The three of you killed one. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?" Jiang Han asked with a smile.

"Instructor, there are only two hundred people. Then other people can't enjoy it."

"I think it would just rush down in a swarm. Whoever shoots fast and picks the head will do the best." Shi Meng quit.

"Yes, there is no big battle to fight right now, the brothers are all waiting to practice their hands." Qi Dakai also echoed.

"I said where do you guys have so much nonsense!"

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