Chapter 142: Reviews Simei

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"Come here, blow them off." Qin Siwen yelled at the door, and the two bodyguards yelled and drove out the fly-like Su family.

"Mu Xue, trouble you and Xiao Jiang to send your grandma to the hospital."

The yard was clean, Su Pingshan whispered to Su Muxue in a low voice.

If the old lady doesn't like him anymore, that's her own mother, so she still has to take care of it in private.

"Dad, Jiang Han called an ambulance early, and it will arrive soon." Su Muxue smiled.

"Xiao Jiang, your mouth is really good, saying that our Lao Jiang can eat the pie, and in the end I really did it." Du Yufang's breath of anger for many years was out, and Jiang Han was also pleasing to the eye.

"I haven't stayed with Mu Xue for a long time, it's a bit immortal." Jiang Han laughed.

"Yufang, you see these two children are together, do you want to let Mu Xue and the three children..." Taking this opportunity, Su Pingshan said cautiously.

As soon as this person got older, he missed his grandchildren especially, not to mention the three cute little Mengbao.

"Xiaojiang, I know that your family is poor, but people are also good to Mu Xue. The Qin family's affairs are so troubled, I think it is difficult for Mu Xue to marry a rich family. But after all, it is my daughter, and I can't let it You just took it away."

"Auntie, you have to have a decent job at least, and the annual income must be around 5 million yuan..." Du Yufang looked at Jiang Han and said seriously.

"Mom!" Su Muxue was speechless.

"Don't interrupt!" Du Yufang glared at her daughter, and then said to Jiang Han: "Xiaojiang, my daughter lives in a villa and drives a million-dollar luxury car. The company's net assets are also billions. Even if she is not a golden branch, she can't Pickled vegetables and radishes to live your life, right?"

"Auntie doesn't dislike the poor and loves the rich, but she doesn't want her to suffer with you. She also considers you. You don't want people to poke your spine and say you eat soft food, right?"

Du Yufang was indeed speaking calmly, otherwise her request would never be the same. Before the change, nothing else, Jiang Han didn't have a gift of more than 30 million yuan, so I didn't need to mention it.

"Yufang, you all know that his condition is not good enough. If you still set this condition, aren't you embarrassing other people's children?"

"I'm in charge of Su's company now, and my daughter is also rich. We don't have to worry about clothes or food. Why do you want such high demands?" Su Pingshan shook his head and interrupted.

"You shut up, this is the daughter I gave birth to, do you have the right to speak? Don't think that if you become a general manager, your wings will be hardened. I have the final say for this family," Du Yufang said. .

"You!" Su Pingshan opened his mouth, did not dare to say anything, but looked at Jiang Han sympathetically, expressing his helplessness.

"Mom, Jiang Han and I don't get married. It's not because he doesn't have a job or money, but..." Su Muxue had a headache.

Although she didn't know that Jiang Han was the boss of Jiangshan Group, Qian Bin and Sun Feixiong were all at his command, not to mention the Phoenix Villa villa or the stall left by Wu Laoliu in Xizhou.

Jiang Han is definitely rich, at least not less than her.

She didn't marry Jiang Han, purely because this guy was so flamboyant that he couldn't understand his sincerity.

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