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°•. ┊ Safe and Sound ┊.•°
✧ ˚ ━ screaming at the sky, act one

CHAPTER ONE — tell the world i'm coming home( episode one ; omega )

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CHAPTER ONE — tell the world i'm coming home
( episode one ; omega )

Walking through my hometown for the first time in a little over a year is a surreal feeling. Seemingly, not much time has passed, but it feels as though I haven't stepped foot here in forever. Not much has changed here. Except for myself. When I left here, I was a quiet, complacent girl. Liked by most, trusted by adults and considered popular. Granted, I was only popular by association. And now, I'm different. There isn't really a word that describes the way I view myself now, but I am not the same person. My dad hasn't finished my transfer papers yet, so I have had the day to myself and have spent it waiting for my brother to get home from school. I return home and continue unpacking my things for the next few hours, before flopping onto my bed. My phone goes off and I check it, seeing a text from my dad telling me that my brother should be on his way home. I lay there, twirling at random strands of hair and staring at the ceiling. I wonder what it'll be like tomorrow. I left here with three real friends and a handful of ingenuine ones. I still speak to those three, but things are so different now. The sound of a car door closing outside removes me from my thoughts and I roll off of my bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I rush down the stairs only to be met with a hurried knock instead of my brother. I open the door to reveal Drea and instantly pull my godsister in for a hug. "Hey, T. I missed you. And I want to hear about everything, but right now we have to go."

    "Go where?" I question, as she drags me up the stairs and back into my bedroom. She begins to rifle through my freshly organized closet, before picking out a jacket and tossing one of my beanies at me. While she digs through my shoes, she explains that Lydia Martin is missing and we're gonna go into the woods to look for her.  The demand confuses me because why the hell would she care about finding Lydia? And the little crush my brother has on her is beyond sad at this point. I love Stiles, but he could do a lot better than Lydia Martin. She's a fake, rude and frankly ugly human being. On the inside, at least. And she has never even given him the time of day. I guess the cops are sending out a search party because the temperature is about to drop tomorrow night. If she's out there alone, she won't make it. The Anders girl throws a pair of boots at me and sits at my desk, waiting for me to put them on. "Why exactly do we care this much about the red headed She-Devil? Last I checked, you couldn't stand her and for good reasons."

    "A lot has changed, Taylor." She states simply and I stand up straight, ready to follow her wherever. The two of us return to the first floor of the house and I grab the keys to my car. Apparently, the car door I heard earlier was the neighbors, so we have to illegally take mine. Do I have my license? Not yet. Can I get away with this? We'll find out. We get into the vehicle and she instructs me towards the preserve, more specifically towards the old Hale house. We pull up towards the back side of the rundown building, before exiting the car. "Shit. We should've grabbed flashlights or something." I reach into the back seat and get the emergency duffle I packed after Stiles' jeep broke down on our first drive out of town; we got stuck on the side of the road for hours, in the middle of the night and it was freezing. I toss her one of the flashlights and a couple of newer batteries, making sure to swap mine out as well. The two of us get out of the car and walk around the perimeter of the house, looking for any sign of the Martin girl.

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