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°•. ┊ Safe and Sound ┊.•°
✧ ˚ ━ screaming at the sky, act one

CHAPTER TWO — who you gonna call?( episode two ; shape shifted )

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CHAPTER TWO — who you gonna call?
( episode two ; shape shifted )

Drea and I are sitting on the bleachers, as the lacrosse team has their early morning practice and our favorite players are having a hushed conversation. My gaze is focused on them, trying to read their lips, as I completely ignore the words coming from the girls mouth. "Earth to Taylor? Am I boring you?"

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, looking over at her.

"Wow. Either you are exhausted or suddenly have a crush on Scott."

"Gross. He's like my brother." I cringe at the thought. "And I am always exhausted. But right now, I'm more curious about what the Wonder Twins are discussing so intently."

"By the way, you never told me that you ran into Ryder yesterday."

"Who told you about that?" I tense, massaging the palms of my hands anxiously, returning my eyes to the field. And she tells me that Ryder's the one who told her about our little rendezvous, causing me to release a laugh of disbelief. "Oh, so it's only me that he's uninterested in speaking to." It's less of a question and more of a frustrated statement. "Awesome."


"Is it the wolf thing? It's not like I have a problem with it. Hell, I kinda wanna be one if I'm completely honest." I ramble, fiddling with my necklace and getting myself worked up. "Did I piss him off? Is Derek telling him not to talk to me because I swear to god, alpha or not, I will kick his ass. Being back here is hard enough and now one of my favorite people can't even look at me. I don't know, maybe I should've stayed away."

"Yeah, no." Drea grabs my hands, causing me to meet her gaze. "If you didn't come back, I'd be miserable. Ryder's just being cautious. Derek seems a little unhinged and Blakley can't control him anymore. And Ryder doesn't know that you know everything. Don't worry too much about it, okay? He'll come around." I give her a tight lipped smile and a nod, the two of us watching the boys play. Scott's on goal right now, which is odd. Especially considering that he's not defending the goal, but rather attacking his teammates and Coach Finstock scolds the McCall boy for his actions. As Scott and number 14 end up in a stare off, my dad and a few deputies make their way onto the field. They pull the aforementioned player away and everyone starts to gather, watching the exchange. Mars and I join the guys, as Scott listens in on the conversation.

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