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"Man this is awkward..."

looking eye to eye with a black haired girl from across a living room she looked at him with complete fear in her eyes and tears forming in her eyes, boxes scattered around the apartment two rooms right next to each other and on the far left side of the apartment was a kitchen

Y/n: soooooo... do you want to decide what room you want first?

She nodded her head before awkwardly walking into the door on the left inspecting the room. He sighed was he really that scary he just hopes in the next few who knows how many days she gets comfortable around him, because that's his new roommate kobeni
You might be wondering how he got to have a roommate like kobeni we're going to have to rewind a few days back


Y/n was having a pretty decent time visiting Japan. Devils don't have the luxury of being able to cross countries so when the chance presented itself he took it

He was just going place to place snacking on Japanese food stopping at a convenience store he stopped by this convenience store for one appointment reason he was low on sweets you see Y/n always had a thing for sweets it's just a nice boost of energy

4 guys in chicken masks with guns in hands yelling at the top of their lungs

Chicken#1: everyone get on the fucking ground!

As he yelled only one person went in the ground the cashier but that being said there is only two people in the store the other one was Y/n

Chicken#3: did you hear what he said get on the floor!

chicken 3 holds his gun up to Y/n not fazed opens a Hershey's bar and takes a bite then moans in pure Bliss

Y/n:Ohhhhh~ that's really really good hey cashier guy consider this payment!

Chicken#3: I'll blow your freaking Brains out don't play the hero!

Y/n: all right all right calm down I get it I'm a real tough guy

Jokingly flexing his bicep

Chicken 3 aims his gun but suddenly Y/n disappears chicken 3 looks down he sees Y/n's left arm clench to a fist pulling back his punch as a pattern glows on his arm

Chicken#3: damn...

The punch Landing directly in his gut sending him flying back smashing against the register, all the chickens look at the Fallen comrade and look for Y/n. Before anybody realizes above chicken#1 was Y/n with a swinging kick chicken#1 head pops open, chicken#2 starts firing scraping Y/n's cheek grabbing chicken#1's body letting it take the bullets for him he ducks into the chip section but bullets still flying through the chip bags he lands on all fours crawling away leaving the body behind

Chicken#4: n-no man h-hey shin said t-this wouldn't be a-a big job t-this i-is too much man this i-is too m-much

Dropping the gun and a sack running out the door stumbling on his feet but chicken#2 looks back and holds his
Handgun pulling the trigger on chicken#4 bullets fly through him as he hits the concrete the sidewalk when he turns back to look for the Loose Ends but when he turns around he see Y/n holding a 1-in punch to his chest

Chicken#2: wh-

Y/n: man you suck...

Plunging his fist into chicken#2 chest chicken#2 drops the gun stumbling to the side holding his chest before falling on his knees then his face

he looks at the sack on the ground an idea popped in his head as he looked back at the aisle of snacks a smiled slept onto his face

Cashier: is-it is it over sir

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