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Shu was trying to focus on his homework, but all he could think of was his parents. Why didn't they love him? What could he do to earn their love?

Shu didn't know the number of times he had questioned why he never seemed to be good enough for his parents. It was no wonder he struggled with low self-esteem. How could he be happy when his parents treated him like a waste of space?

(Six years ago)

"As you guys know, this Sunday is Father's Day," said the teacher. "As a surprise, I will be calling all of your fathers and you must tell them that you love them. Who wants to go first?"

"Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me!"

"Okay, Valt, you don't have to shout. The first grade class probably heard you too."

As the kindergarteners crowded around the teacher's desk, she called Valt's father.

"Wait. Do I have to do it in front of everyone?"

"Yes, Valt. Come on, your father should be picking up any moment."

Valt's eyes became huge as he walked stiffly to the phone. One would have thought that he was a wind-up toy.

"Hello?" came Kento's voice. "Is Valt in trouble?"

"Actually, your son wants to tell you something," said the teacher.

Valt took a deep breath before yelling, "I LOVE YOU DADDY!"

Everyone covered their ears. For a six-year-old, Valt had a very loud voice.

"I... I love you too, Valt, but you don't have to scream."

Valt giggled. "Sorry, Daddy. I was nervous because my whole class was watching."

The whole class laughed at that, and eventually Valt joined in the laughter.

After that, everyone seemed to relax and had no issue talking to their fathers and saying how much they loved them.

"Shu, it's your turn," said the teacher. Shu gasped, his crimson eyes widening.

"I... I think I will pass," said Shu.

"Shu, if you don't, you have to write that a hundred times," said a girl. She had been hesitant earlier and the teacher told her that she would give her a hundred lines, which made her go forward to talking to her father.

"I would rather write the lines," said Shu.

Valt and Xander already knew about Shu's situation at home and had been very sympathetic. The rest of the class just stared at him, wondering why it was so difficult for him to say that he loved his father. But how could he say that he loved parents that hated him?

"Mom, Dad, can I have a sibling?" Shu had asked a few months earlier.

His parents hadn't taken the question well. "Why would you ask such a thing?" asked his mother.

"I want a sibling like Toko or Nika," said Shu. "Valt has adorable baby siblings and I want to have siblings too."

"And who would feed them and change their diapers?" snapped his father.

"I will," said Shu.

"We don't want you!" yelled his mother. "You are a mistake!"

Heartbroken, Shu ran into his room and burst into tears. It had been the first time he learned that he was an unwanted child.

(Present time)

Shu went out and made his way to Valt's house. However, his fangirls wouldn't stop flocking to him.

"Hi Shu," said a black-haired girl. "Will you go out with me?"

Shu shook his head. "No, but thanks for asking." Why give the girls false hope? He had decided a long time ago that honestly is the best policy.

However, that never seem to discourage his fangirls. They just wouldn't stop flirting with him and pretending to like him. It honestly drove Shu mad, but he was too polite to tell them off.

Soon, Shu had arrived at Valt's house. He went inside and saw Chiharu. "Hello Chiharu," he said. He always referred to Valt's parents by name instead of Mr and Mrs Aoi.

Chiharu smiled at him. "Hello Shu. Here to see Valt again? He's at the park now with Toko and Nika."

"That's okay,' said Shu. 'I can wait until he comes back."

"Sure," said Chiharu. "I will let him know that you are here."

Shu went to the living room and waited. He had lost count of the number of times he had gone to Valt's house. As little kids, he and Valt had played a lot of make-believe games.

Once they had been royalty, Valt being a prince and him a princess. Another time they had been superheroes. Another time they had taken turns being a parent and child. Shu had preferred the parent role, as he had felt embarrassed pretending to wail and cry as the baby.

Shu decided to send Valt a message. He texted, Hey, Valt. Just want to let you know that I'm at your house.

Valt texted back after a few minutes. Okay! I'm actually at the bey park now. I'll see you shortly.

Shu stared at his parents' contact numbers. Should he text them? Or better yet, give them a call.

"Well, it's worth a shot," said Shu. So he sent a text to his mother.

Hi Mom. I miss you. Can you call me?

He texted something similar to his Dad. But neither of them responded.

Shu decided to check his messages again. Suddenly, he noticed that his messages to his parents have been read. Were his parents ignoring him?

Unable to stand the suspense, Shu called his Mom. The phone went to voicemail after one ring. Shu said, "Mom, why didn't you respond to my message? You could have mentioned if you don't want to talk. I really miss you. I just want to have a normal relationship with you. Why won't you let me..."

BEEP! "If you would like to send your message, press one. If you want to rerecord your message, press two."

Shu couldn't believe his ears. His mother's voice mail had cut him off! It was clear that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Shu sadly pressed one. He didn't even bother attempting to call his Dad.

Shu started to cry silently. He didn't notice three heads peeking at him.

"Is Shu okay?" whispered Nika. "He seems sad."

"He definitely doesn't look okay," said Toko. "Maybe we shouldn't disturb him."

Valt sighed. "Look, you two go to your room. I will talk to Shu alone."

"Okay," said the twins before they went upstairs.

Valt went into the living room. "Shu, is everything okay?"

Shu looked at Valt in surprise. He put on a fake smile. "Hey Valt. How's things?"

"Shu, what's the matter? You were crying," said Valt.

"I... I... My parents don't want to talk to me."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


Valt sighed. "I won't force you. But if you need to talk to someone, I'm always willing to listen."

"Actually, I should probably get started on my homework," said Shu. "I have been procrastinating all weekend."

Valt looked asthonished. Shu never procrastinated. But all the same, he couldn't blame him. Shu's mental state had been rough lately.

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