16 - Choose Love, Seek Happiness

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Minseo woke up and did her morning routine. After eating her breakfast she went for her work. She stood at the bus stand and after sometime a bus approached. She got inside and finally she reached the cafe. She wore an apron and started her work. Many customers were come and gone.

Time passes to 5:30pm and her shift was about to finish when the owner of the cafe called her. She gave her an envelope. It was her salary.

"Minseo... Here is your salary. Come and take."

She went to the counter, "Are you tired Minseo?" The owner asked her.

"Ah..I am okay."

"Uhmm.. oh your money..." She handed her the money..

Minseo thanked her and bowed to her.

Then she cleaned all the tables and now she was ready to go back home. She went out of the cafe and walked to the bus stop but it started raining. She waited there as she have no umbrella.

After sometime she found, Haneul also came, running towards the bus stand. He became a little wet due to the rain.

"Hey oppa! You became wet." Minseo went near him.

"Yeah!" He replied.

"Haven't you brought your car?" Minseo asked him.

"Yeah I came by bus today. I kept my car at my friend's house." Haneul sighed.

"And to take the car, now you will go to your friend's house by bus?" Minseo folded her hands while saying.

"Yes! And... I can go with you as his house was at your place." He suggested to her.

They were waiting for the bus to come. They remained silent for a few minutes.

Minseo raised her one hand under the rain. Rain drops were falling on her hand. It was feeling nice.

"Minseo, do you like rain?" Haneul asked her, raising his hand in the rain too.

Minseo smiled and said, "Yeah... They always makes me feel better."

Saying that she threw some rain water on his face. She chuckled.

The rain was still not stopped. She was watching the rain drops falling on the streets. The sound was calming. It was washing all the physical world and resurfacing it.

"Do you know? The rain always comes whenever I am sad and depressed. And went out making me happy." Minseo said to Haneul.

"So.. now you are sad....? And depressed...?" he said in a low voice.

She became quite. She didn't know what to tell him. She was just standing there. She wanted to change the topic but she could not find any words to say. But then a bus stopped at the bus stand.

They got inside the bus. At that time, few passengers were travelling in it. They took their seats and sat there. Minseo was very tired.

Haneul was closing his eyes as he was feeling dizzy, but he realised that Minseo was sleeping, leaning her head on his shoulder. She didn't realise when she put her head as she was in her sleep.

Minseo was looking so beautiful. Her hair was moving slowly on her pretty face. Haneul tucked them behind her ears. He wanted to hold her little hands. He took her hand, holding it softly so that she might not get disturbed by him.

At that moment, he wanted to stop the time, he wanted to pause that moment. He didn't want that moment to get end. He just wanted to hold her hands forever and hide her from the world.

But then he remembered the words that Junwoo told him, "I hope that you will not do anything that can break our friendship..."

Junwoo trusted him and he was coming in between them. How much Haneul loved her, how much he wanted to be with her but the destiny had its own way. It was planning something else. She can never be his. Haneul became sad, and he left her hand.

Inside the bus, a old woman was also travelling. She asked Haneul, "What happened dear? Why are you looking so sad?"

"Ahmm.. no..n.. nothing..." He answered the old lady. He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

The old woman smiled and said, "Your wife is pretty..." She gazed at Minseo's wedding ring.

"Ah.. I am sorry.. but she is not my wife." He embarrassingly told her.

"Oh! I.. I am sorry child... I didn't know. I thought that you are her husband and she is your wife."

"No need to say sorry grandmother. It's alright."Addressing as grandmother he said to her.

It was now silence when Haneul asked the woman nervously, "Uhmm... Grandmother.... I want to ask you something.."

"Sure.. you can."

"What to do if someone is confused in choosing between a person whom he loves and a person who loves him?" He said.

She remained silent for some seconds and then she spoke,"You must be sure about your love...but you can't force anyone to love."

"And what if we can't love that person who loves?"

"If you choose to love a person, you must seek happiness first, or either you get none." She said.

He was quite, listening to her words.

But soon she left as her stop had came.

"Bye... Take care.." he weakly smiled at the woman.

"God bless you child!"

Now the bus again started. He was lost in his thoughts.

"Minseo, I am not expecting anything from you because I know you have your own rights to choose and I can't make you to do what I want."

"But I cannot hurt her also. Even if we get together I can't love her like the way I love you Minseo. I am so confused..."

Haneul looked at Minseo who was still sleeping.
Soon their stop came, he woke her up. The rain had stopped now. Then he left her to her house and went.

To be continued...

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