The Sniffles pt 1

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I got this title from my mom, everytime I got sick she called it "The Sniffles." Hope you enjoy.

Summary: Crunchychip gets a bad cold after being out for way too long, and someone has to take care of him.


"106.00?!" I yelled, confused on how I got sick. "You're out in the freezing cold almost everyday. I guess the cold finally got to you." Wildberry said, unfazed. I know I'm out everyday, so how'd I get sick? I wondered. I felt kinda dizzy and tired, my stomach was hurting and I was going to vomit soon.

I knew I was, "I n-need a bag" I stuttered. I didn't know how dry my throat was until now. I was never sick before and it hurts a lot more than I thought. "I'll go get you a bag and some water" he said calmly. "Thanks..." I felt pretty pathetic, not being able to really stand up was a big issue. I couldn't walk so I cant quite get things for myself.

I was still feeling dizzy and tired so I took a nap.


I came back upstairs with the bag and water for Crunchychip. I heard soft snoring coming from our room, I walked in and saw him asleep. I also wanted to take a nap in the bed but I didn't want to get sick either. So I put the bag next to him and the water on the nightstand.

I ended up taking a five minute nap on the couch. I was a bit tired after waking up but I knew I had to get medicine for my boyfriend.

Time skip brought to you by, eat like a king who's on the budget.


I woke up pretty much out of it. I looked around and heard beeping. Wait an minute... Am I in a hospital?! I looked around a bit more, I was definitely in a hospital. But why though? I turn my head to the left and see Wildberry, he was a mess! "Wilds? You good?"

He lifted his head up, I could see him a lot better. He looked like he hasn't slept for days, when was even the last time he had eaten? Wildberry had tears in his eyes, he quickly came up to hug me. "What happened bubs?" I asked, concerned.

He stopped hugging me to look at me in the eye. "You were "asleep" for 3 days" He said with his voice cracking a little.

Sorry for the little "break" I had, my school and mom is on my back right now. Anyways, hope you enjoyed part one, expect more updates soon! Don't forget to vote, C'ya.

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