The Perfect Setup

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Heyy guys! This chapter was a request from Wholikes2sleep !! They gave me this idea that I thought was absolutely amazing so I'll be writing about it. Please enjoy!!

Crunchychip POV

Here I was, laying in bed, talking my sister's ear off about my crush. Caramel Arrow was starting to get annoyed with my yapping, but I continued.

"Dude..." She says interrupting me.

"Yeah?" I respond, kinda mad that she interrupted me.

"I have made the decision to help you confess, because I am sick and tired of your constant yapping about this man!" She declared sternly.

I couldn't respond, I was left speechless. I didn't think she would say something like that! Questions started to fill my brain. 'How would she even help me out? Why help if she probably knows that I'm gonna talk to her even more if me and Wildberry get together?' It didn't make any sense.

3rd Person POV

Caramel Arrow, obviously sticking to her word, started helping her brother out with his crush. However, here was one dilemma, their father figure's approval. As they walked through the long halls, getting closer to Dark Cacao's office with each step. Caramel Arrow seemed chill about the whole thing, but her brother was super nervous.

It was quiet while they walked, only the sound of the wind howling outside from the blizzards. They soon reached his doors, the double doors were twice their height. Caramel Arrow went to go knock but Crunchychip stopped her right before he could.

"What are you doing?" She whispered, wanting to discuss the "problem" with Crunchychip.

"I'm not ready yet!" He whispered yelled, if that makes sense.

Suddenly, they both heard a voice coming from inside the doors.

"Come in." Dark Cacao said, seeming to have heard what the two sibling were saying.

Caramel smirked at her brother and confidently opened the door. They both walked inside, Crunchychip already starting to feel the embarrassment about the whole thing. They bowed once they got in front of his desk, showing respect.

Once the put their head back up, Caramel looked over to Crunchychip, it seemed obvious that he wouldn't be able to talk. His face was red as hell and she could almost feel the embarrassment radiating off of him.

Dark Cacao broke the silence, "What did you two need?" He asked.

Crunchychip froze right then and there, he just began to realize the responses that Dark Cacao might give him...

His Scenario:

"So uhh.. dad? I'm gay.." Crunchychip said quietly, but his dad heard him clear and well. He gasped and gave his son the most disgusted look he could have gave then pointed at the window. "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE👹👹👹👹" His voice boomed throughout the room. "What?!! I don't understand!!!" Crunchychip yelled back, being very confused and hurt. Dark Cacao then stood up, picked up Crunchychip, and threw him straight out the window😱😱😱

End Scenario.

He came back into reality when his sister answered for him with a proud and clear voice. "Crunchychip here has a-" Caramel began but got cut off. "Let him tell em himself." Crunchychip's jaw dropped slightly, he then shut his mouth to not look stupid. He didn't know what to say, how to say it, or when to. It was like stage freight but there was only two people looking at him, waiting and watching. This anxiety was eating him from the inside out, he felt the need to throw up.

He put his hand on his stomach to somehow relieve this ache, it didn't work. In fact, doing that made it quite worse, all he had to do was say one sentence explaining why he was there. It wasn't that hard! But for him, letting out something like that to an important person is hard.

I'm just so disappointed in myself, it's been like, a month, and I only got about 600 words in😭😭 Just think of this as a part one for now. If you would like me to continue this or rewrite then please, respectfully, let me know!
Have a good night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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