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(Hey!! I'm back, after like 2 and a half months...
Wow... I'm disappointed in myself.

I have no excuse for leaving that long, I apologize. Anyways, enjoy this chapter!)

Crunchychip's POV

Wow! This is really it. I can't believe it. I'm going to get married today! To my soon to be husband, Wildberry, I was so excited to kiss him! But I couldn't, it was going to be about two hours before I see him.

The best part about this whole thing was that, Wildberry was the one wearing the wedding dress! Oh, I wish I could see him right now, he would look so pretty. Currently, I'm getting ready, I already had my suit on and stuff.

I was getting mentally prepared, this is a really big moment in my life, I couldn't think of anything better than this. Oh but of course, I had some negative thoughts. Such as, what if he suddenly says no? What if he changes his mind? Does he really love me?

However, I pushed those feelings down, why would he say no? There would be almost no reason to! If he changed his mind I'm sure he would tell me already. And of course he loves me! Other wise, why would he come this far?

I'm fine, I'll be okay, I got this. I repeated in my head over and over.

Wildberry POV

This is gonna be the greatest and most happiest day of my life. I've come this far to be with the one I love, forever. It was like a dream come true, living with your lover, seeing them everyday. I can't wait, I was so excited thinking about all the more things we could do!

Time Skip

It was time, the best moment of my life was right in front of me. It was almost too good to be true. As I walked down the aisle of the wedding venue (is that what it's called?) I could barely keep my excitement. Then I was up on the little stage thing.

(It's so obvious that I know nearly nothing about weddings😭)

I watched my beloved walk towards me. I saw his sister, Caramel Arrow Cheesing at him, I'm glad she was happy to be here for Crunchychip.

Then after that, they said their wedding vows, putting their rings on, you may kiss the bride. Cutting the cake, taking pictures. Y'know, stuff like that.

Crunchychip's POV

After all that, I was pretty tired, I'm sure Wildberry was too. So we took some fresh air outside. "I'm so glad I was lucky enough to meet you." He said with a smile, looking at me. "Me too." I responded as I went on my tippy toes and kissed him.

Damn he was tall, or maybe Im just short... Nevermind.

Anyways, he leaned down a bit and kissed me back a second time. The kiss lasted about 10 seconds before he pulled apart and hugged me.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear softly. "I love you too, nothing will ever change that."

Hey! How did you like it? I think I did pretty good aside from the fact it's kinda short but hey. It is what it is. Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote! C'ya!

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