"Woah.." (Modern/ human au!)

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Told you i'd be here sooner than you think☺️
From the time I was gone, I feel like I have grown to making longer chapters. I'm not gonna keep you for too long, so enjoy(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


I woke up, like any other human being. I was feeling hungry and only one thing can cure that hunger... cereal. I grabbed a bowl and a spoon and placed it on the counter, then I grabbed the cereal, cinnamon toast crunch. I looked in the fridge, my eyes went wide at the sight. True horror and regret fell over me..


There was no milk...

UGH! I hate this feeling, why didn't I check for milk before pouring in the cereal? I can't eat it dry because I'm not in the mood for that. Now I actually have to go to the store, and get some milk.. it's too early for this.

I was gonna get ready, then I got distracted by my phone. Laughing at reels on Instagram, some of them being outright weird, but it was funny. I kept watching reels and texting some people until I realized I was still hungry.

Finally, I got up and got dressed to go to Walmart. You may be asking, Crunchychip, why are you going to Walmart and not the corner store? Because the corner store changes the date of the milk! I had to learn that the hard way.

Plus, I have to get some other things too. I got in my car and put the key into the ignition. I started driving to Walmart, I wasn't really paying attention to the road at all, I was just zoned out. When I realized I was actually driving, I had to think if I might have run a few lights while getting here.

I had to find a decent parking spot so this can be an in and out mission, but it was Saturday. It was absolutely packed, I had to park all the way in the back! It doesn't help the fact that it was hot as hell outside.. When I got in, I felt the fresh cool air from all the air conditioning.

It was way better than outside in that burning heat. I got a basket and started searching for the items I needed. The first thing I grabbed was milk, of course, then I started grabbing other food and shit, the last thing a needed to get was white rice. 'Oh my fucking god..' I thought, the shit was all the way on the top shelf! I look around before jumping and trying to reach it.

This is so frustrating.. I tried climbing but it started shaking and shit, so I'm not risking it. If I asked for help, I would've looked like this


And then, this big ass dude popped up behind me

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And then, this big ass dude popped up behind me. With a deep voice, he said, "You need help?"


I was shopping for some stuff at Walmart, and I saw this short man trying to get some rice from the top shelf. He looked frustrated, so I offered to help by saying, "You need help?" He look behind himself and then up at me. "Woah.." He said looking dazed. I was confused a little bit. While he was distracted my whatever was on my face, I got a chance to look at his.

He look pretty nice actually, someone I can definitely date. I would get him the rice and give him my number, but he still looked out of it. "Hey, you okay?" I asked him, a bit concerned. "Oh! Yeah, yeah I'm fine.. did you ask me a question earlier? I wasn't really listening." He said still looking up at me.

I can see a bead of sweat come down the side of his head. Was he hot? I mean, it is kind of hot outside, but the air conditioning here is fine.. Eh, I'm not gonna worry about it too much. I responded to him, "Yeah, I asked if you needed help getting that." I pointed to the rice I thought he was looking for.

"Yes actually.." He mumbled, looking embarrassed that he had to admit he needed help. I just grabbed the rice and held it out to him. He grabbed it and put it in his basket with some other things. He said a quick thank you before walking off. I stopped him.

"Huh? What's up?" He asked me. I pulled out a random piece of paper and a pen from my pocket (random pocket junk) and wrote down my number. I have it to him and walked off without saying another word.

I felt like if I said anything after seeing that face, my voice would've cracked or something..


I looked at the rice he gave me, and the realization slowly kicked in.. he got me the wrong type of rice... you know what, it's fine. He gave me his number anyway, so I'm completely happy with that. Maybe I'll text him later on, he was kinda hot anyway..

I drive back home, I put the items I got where they need to be. Then I saw the bowl of dry cereal I left on the counter, then I realized I bought milk. 'Yes!' That man made me forget I was literally starving while talking to him. I guess he's just that good looking.

In he end, I finally got to eat my cereal with milk in peace.. this Saturday actually isn't that bad. Other than the long walks in the parking lot but it was okay.


I got in my car after putting my bought items in the back.. I start thinking, 'did he want the yellow rice or the white rice..?' Wow.. I didn't even ask him which type of rice he wanted.. I'm sure it's fine though. I don't think anyone would freak out that bad over the wrong rice.. I hope.

I wonder if he'll call or text me soon.. maybe I can invite him out to dinner when we get to know each other enough. I'm so excited! After having a mini gay panic, my phone notification went off. I checked it and it was unknown. I assumed it was the guy I gave the number to because that what he texted me.

'Hey, it's the guy you met at Walmart.. my name is Crunchychip btw🙂'

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this one.


Should you pour milk in before the cereal?


Pour in the cereal before the milk?

Alright, bye! Don't forget to vote, cya!

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