Chapter 1

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*Rikers POV*

We pulled up to the elementary school in our van, "Here we go guys! A surprise for these students will be fun!" I said to the rest of the van.

Rydel cleared her throat "Guys?" she laughed

"Sorry, Rydel... Ready people?" I laughed and punched her in the arm

We all climbed out of the van out to the front entrance of the school.

"I wonder if I can get any teachers numbers" said Rocky

"Really dude, all teachers are way older than you, don't even think about that" said Ross laughing at Rocky

"Yah, gosh Rocky, get your head in the game, we are performing for the students who is in grade 7, one of them won a contest we are here to surprise them" I said to the group as we met with the principal and he led us into the gym to set up.

"The students will be coming in about 15 minutes" the principal said as he shook our hands giving us a huge smile and he left the gym to let us set up.

15 minutes later after we set up our sound equipment and were sitting behind the curtain on the gymnasium stage, the students started to walk in.

The first couple groups that came in were the youngest students in the school they were led by their old female teachers. "wow Ross it looks like you were right" I heard Rocky say to Ross.

A little while later I was talking to Ellington and Rydel when Rocky said rather loudly "ROSS, you were wrong"

All of us look out through a crack in the red velvet curtain. A teacher had just led her students into the gym she was young and beautiful. She had Dirty Blonde hair that went down to her waist and was wearing a black pencil skirt and a blue top with a pair of black stilettos, I couldn't stop looking at her.

"Riker! Are you okay?" Rydel asked quietly

"What? Oh I'm fine" I said quickly

I couldn't take my eyes of this girl, she looked young, maybe younger than me, how could she be a teacher already? I had so many questions, I just really wanted to talk to her, apparently Rocky and Ross also wanted to.

We could see that the principal was now standing in the front of all the students with his hand raised, waiting for the students to be quiet. Once they were quiet the Principal introduced us "Well we have a surprise for you today, Jenna Whitelaw has won a contest and today her prize is here to perform for us."

Someone screamed, I figured it was the girl who won, she stood up and she was in the class that the cute teacher brought into the gym.

She was so excited that she hugged her teacher who hugged back and gave her a pat on the back.

"So here is our surprise Jenna, R5 everyone!" As the principal said that the curtains opened and we started to play an acoustic set.

We played:


One Last Dance


Cali Girls

Heart Made Up On You

During the set I couldn't stop looking at that teacher, I don't think she was looking at me because she was making sure here students were having fun and behaving.

Then during Cali Girls one of the older teachers got up and started dancing so all of the students followed quickly and the whole gym was up on their feet and dancing. Even that cute teacher who was dancing really silly with her students.

She had amazing rhythm... not that I noticed because I was watching her the entire time. But she was doing all the cliche dance moves, the sprinkler, swimming, the lawnmower. You name it she was doing it. I could help but chuckle.

Rydel noticed why I chuckled and laughed at me and nudged me in the arm.

"You like her" she whispered to me at the end of the set

"pffft, no I don't" I tried to deny it but there was no point.. it was obvious.

We took a bow and the curtains closed the principal came up to the front again and dismissed the students and teachers back to their classes. I saw Rocky get up and talk to the principal.

"what is he doing?!?!" I asked Ross

He shrugged and continued to pack up his guitar.

Rocky came back and said "So we are going to surprise the winner in her class and play one song of her choosing for her class"

The band agreed, but I was all of a sudden so nervous.

I don't know why but I was going to be singing and performing right in front of that cute teacher.

The band and I walked down the hallway following the principal and he slipped into the classroom to talk to the teacher. He came back out and said "Go on in"

*here goes nothing* I said gosh I was nervous, I don't even know this girl and I am getting nervous.

Rocky pushed through the door first, of course he would...

I was the last one though the door...


Authors Note: Let me know what you guys think! This is only my second story, if you want me to keep writing vote and let me know! I appreciate it! Thanks in advanced

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