Chapter 4

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The puck was dropped and Luke got possession of the puck and he headed down the ice and shot the puck into the other end. I skated down to go get it but that guy was ahead of me so I decided he wasn't going to get it so I skated up and when he was against the boards I decided to hit him with a body check, apparently it was a good one and he fell over I got the puck passed to Luke who was infront of the net. He shot the puck and scored.

I was so excited I skated up to Luke gave him a high five then returned to my bench.

While I was on my way to the bench, the guy I knocked over skated towards me and said "Nice Hit, but watch out number 6, I'll get you back for that" he laughed and joined his team on his bench.

Then game ended with a final score of 4-2 for the dark team.

We had to shake hands with the other team, we lined up and shook hands with the white team and that guy patted me on the shoulder and said "Great game" I said the same to him and then my dad the organizer of this event told the two teams to get together for a group photo. So we all took off our Helmets and joined the other team at centre ice. When I took my helmet off, I took my hair out of the bun and let it cascade down my back my hair was so long that it covered the number on my jersey.

I looked towards that guy I body checked, OH SHIT... That is Rocky Lynch,

Rocky and I made eye contact and he just stared at me... He turned around and OMG he went to go talk to his brother... RIKER!

Riker looked up and looked shocked as well. We all joined our teams for the photos then after that Luke came up to me and patted me on the butt as appreciation for my amazing pass. I laughed then I realized I should really go talk to Rocky and Riker.

"Uh... Hey" I said as I skated up towards them.

"Ms. Morgan?" Rocky asked

I chuckled... "Yup, thats me, but you can call me Elyse"

"what if I don't want to" Rocky said with a wink

"Gosh Rocky, go get changed" Riker said

"Yah, Or the Zamboni might run you over" I said

Riker smiled at me "Hi Ms. oh Elyse, I can't believe how good of a hockey player you are"

"Thanks, I have been play for a long time, ever since I was 4" I said

"that's such a long time" He said...

"Wait are you saying I'm old?" I laughed and punched him in the arm

"When were you born?" he asked

"1992" I said

"Oh so you are a year younger than me... How are you already a teacher?" He asked

"I finished my degree in 4 years then went straight into my teaching program, so I finished really quickly"

"thats awesome!" he said

"Hey E, You guys have to get off the Ice or Randy will run you over with the Zam" Luke said skating up towards us.

"Hi I'm Luke" Luke stuck out his hand for Riker to shake

"Hey, I'm Riker, nice to meet you" he said

the three of us skated off the ice, Luke was waiting me to join him back in the dressing room.

I was walking away from Riker when I all of a sudden turned around and blurted out "What are you doing after this?"

Oh god why did I do that? Gosh I am an idiot. Elyse you can just ask a celebrity out, just like that... Dammit, he must think I am so weird..

Luke gave me a bewildered look and waited for Rikers response...

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