Chapter 13

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Then it hit me "How am I going to deal with the students at school" I asked defeated as I sat down

Riker picked up his phone and called Rydell, Ellington and Rocky to join us.

"Nice place" Rydel said as she walked in

"hey Rydel, you know those photos you took of Elyse and I, I don't think this whole laying low thing is going to work. Should I post one?" He asked "wait, Elyse can I talk to you" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into my kitchen away from Kali who was introducing herself to Rocky, Rydel and Ellington

"Whats up Riker?" I asked concerned

"I don't know how to keep out of the light anymore, Ross made some stupid mistakes, I guess what I am trying to ask is would you mind being my girlfriend and joining in my crazy life?" he asked

"Riker, you are a great guy" I said and paused

"oh I get it you don't want to be my girlfriend" He said

"no, you didn't let me finish, are you sure you want to bring me into your crazy life, I really like you, I really do, I'm just wondering if we are taking this too fast" I said

"Well we should try it, instead of being to afraid to try it and then regretting it later" he said

I kissed him "sure I'd love to join your crazy life"

We joined hands and walked back into the living room, "Rydel, do you mind sending those photos you took of E and myself today" He said

"sure, why? Wait. Let me take one more, you two look super cute right now!" she said

"We are going to go public" Riker said

"What a photo looking like this?" i said motioning to my clothes, which consisted of running shorts, sneakers, and a tight dry-fit shirt.

Rydel responded "Elyse, you are the ideal image of health, and your hair is gorgeous right now"

I laughed "okay, fine take a picture"

"oh I have an idea!" Riker said excitedly as he hopped onto my back piggy back style

did I mention I'm only 5'3" so Riker is way taller than I am

I smiled at the camera as Riker probably made a silly face and held around my shoulders.

Rydell took the photo and then started tapping on her phone,

It turns out she tweeted/instagramed/snapchatted and face booked a collage of the photo of RIker and I holding hands at the beach, kissing in the restaurant and me carrying Riker piggyback style. She sent the collage out to the R5 family through the R5 account.

She said with the photos:

"Please welcome Rikers girlfriend E, to the R5 Family. Aren't they adorable together?? :)

- R5Official"

I smiled when I saw the photos go up on social media.

"thanks Rydell, Nice touch with E" Riker smiled

"I figured I give them one of Elyses initials to calm them down" she laughed

Most of the comments coming in on the photos were encouraging or they were happy Ross wasn't the one with a girlfriend, but of course the Riker fans were upset, but they said they were happy for him.

After the photos were posted I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

Riker hugged me "you will be just fine" and smiled

" I know, I can't thank all of you enough for everything" I smiled at everyone

"Did I mention that your girlfriend Riker is going to be my maid of honour at my wedding!" Kali said standing up from the couch!

"No, you didn't, that is super exciting!" Riker said

"So that means you get to come as her date" She said "well only if you want to, and don't worry you have time to think about your answer" Kali laughed

"Okay, well everyone this has been an extremely exciting and exhausting day. I should probably head to bed" I said

"fair enough" rocky said

"Ya, its been a memorable one for sure" Ellington said

"Bye gurl!" Rydell said as the three of them left.

Riker held my hands "Goodnight Girlfriend!"

"Goodnight Boyfriend" I kissed him and led him to the door

"Goodnight" He said one last time before I closed the door

"Oh, we aren't going to bed yet" Kali said "Oh I'm sleeping over okay" She added

"Haha okay" I said

She grabbed my laptop and headed into my room and sat on the bed and opened pinterest and we started to plan her wedding!

The last thing I remember Kali saying was "Thanks for being a great friend" as she started to fall asleep on my laptop.

I managed to get my laptop out from underneath Kali's head and I checked my twitter one last time, and saw the picture collage that Rydell made was trending on twitter. Oh gosh "this is a big deal" I said to myself.

The last tweet I read was a quote sent by Ross:

"No matter how love-sick a woman is, she shouldn't take the first pill that comes along.

- Joyce Brothers"

What in the world is that supposed to mean? Once again the twitter world was blowing up, trying to decipher this tweet from Ross. Is Ross trying to say something to me?? I questioned


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