Chapter 15

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I smiled as I locked my phone and continued to talk to the rest of the band. How did I get so lucky? I asked myself, I didn't realize how big I was smiling cause Rocky looked in the review mirror and called me out on it "Dude, Why are you so happy"

"I think you know why" Rydell said

"I know, I just want him to admit it" Rocky replied laughing

"Admit what?" I asked

"That you are falling quickly for Ms. Morgan" Rocky laughed

"shut up you guys, I'm the eldest one, I should be bugging you guys" I said

"Oh we know, that is why we are enjoying it so much" Ellington chuckled

We pulled into the underground parking and I headed up to our apartment to quickly get ready for dinner with Elyse.

**Elyses POV**

Wow, my first real date with Riker, this is super exciting!

I quickly texted Kali!

GURLL! I have my first real date with Riker tonight!!

What?? I just left, How'd that happen?

He texted me when he was on the way back from the studio

Oh wow! well wear your little black dress

Really? its so black... maybeI should wear some colour?

Trust me E, you look amazing in that dress, wear heels and MAKEUP!

I laughed and put down my phone and started to get ready, like Kali instructed I word my little black dress which had cap sleeves and a peplum around the waist, it was quite tight but the sleeves and the peplum layer around the waist made it look less 'slutty' as Kali told me when I bought it.

I curled the ends of my hair and put some make up on and grabbed my black and white chevron stripped clutch then my Coral Pumps and sat down to wait for Riker, I quickly snap chatted a picture of my outfit to Luke and Kali, because i knew Luke would give a guys opinion and Kali would just give me her honest opinion.

Kali quickly sent me back a video of her freaking out about how gorgeous I looked and Luke quickly sent a selfie with him holding a thumb up.

I then had a couple minutes left before Riker was going to pick me up so I took a mirror selfie. I stood infront of my mirror and popped my leg in the air and took a silly photo and quickly posted it to my instagram with: So excited! as the caption

Just then Riker knocked on the door, looking adorable with a short sleeve button up shirt on and a blue tie and black jeans.

"Wow" he said as I opened the door

"wow yourself!" i said with a wink

"Haha you look way better than me, imagine me in that dress?" he laughed

"Haha okay, I'll take the compliment" I smiled as he grabbed my hand and walked to the elevator.

I can't believe it still, I'm going on a dinner date with Riker Lynch.

We got into the elevator and went down to Rikers car and he started to drive.

We didn't say much to each other however it seemed like we were saying everything. I felt so comfortable when I was with Riker. 

We ended up pulling into a parking lot in the middle of downtown LA. I looked up at this incredible looking building with glass windows, and big brick columns and the front doors were huge and made out of solid wood. It was a gorgeous building. However there were paparazzi taking pictures of people heading into the restaurant...

"Wow there is paparazzi already there?" I asked

"I guess so" Riker said

"Well people might not recognize me so I'll walk in front" I said as I grabbed Rikers hand and held it as he walked behind me. 

I got through the front door without any flashes going off, once Riker was through and we weren't spotted, we could hear the paparazzi outside "Wait was that the guy from the band R5??" 

"Oh man it was, we missed him and his new apparent girlfriend" another one said

"oh right, the girl I got a photo of holding his brothers hand" Said the third one.

I was hurt by those comments and Riker noticed. 

He took my hands and kissed me, "they might not know the true story, but we do, that is all that matters" 

I smiled "Thanks, I can't believe that I am here right now, with you"

"I can't believe how lucky I am to be here right now, with you" RIker smiled

"gosh you are too corny" I said and nudged him in the arm.

He smiled and we walked over to the host who walked us to our booth and sat us down. 

He asked for our drink order, Riker ordered a beer and I ordered a Long Island Ice Tea. 

We chatted about random things and I then decided to start telling my random corny jokes. Which I find funnier than anyone I tell them to.

"What is brown and sticky?" I asked RIker trying not to laugh

"I have no clue" he said

"A stick!" I said and started to burst out laughing, I don't know why but these jokes always cracked me up. 

Riker looked at me and laughed "I'm only laughing with you, not at your joke cause that was bad!!" he said as the waiter returned to take our dinner order. We ordered and Riker said "she'll have another drink" He said smiling, "I would but I'm driving" he smiled

We kept talking and I kept telling my bad jokes and Riker kept laughing at me. 

"Hey, what are your plans for tomorrow?" He asked

"Oh well I have work until 3, I usually stay until 4 to finish marking and getting everything ready for the next day" I said

"well, what if I picked you up from school and took you to the Jimmy Kimmel Tapping we have at 4:30,  we are performing!" he said

"You know what that sounds perfect" I smiled "well, how do I get to school tomorrow, if you are going to pick me up?" I asked

"I'll drive you!" he said with a grin

"perfect" I smiled 

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