Chapter 3 - New Orleans

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It's 8am. I am already clothed in a comfortable hoodie and sweatpants while rolling the two suitcases to the door. I opened the door and saw a guard outside.

"I will be taking your suitcases to the plane, Agent N", said the guard.

The people here call me Agent N since they somehow don't know my real name, even though my name is the easiest name there is.

"Alright. Thank you"

He grabbed my things and waited for me to start walking. I walked towards the exit with the guard behind me and put my hands in the pockets of my pants. I thought about what I'm going to say if I encounter him.

What do I say?

It will be so awkward. I cringed inwardly. Before I know it, I was already walking towards the jet. I saw Mr. Kim waiting for me by the stairs of the jet.

"You got everything?" He asked and looked me up and down.


"Remember. The second you find anything-" He pointed his finger at me.

"Report to you. I know" I rolled my eyes and I started to go up the stairs.

"Nova, I'm serious. This is your longest mission yet. careful" Mr. Kim sighed, with worry in his eyes. He has been a father figure since I can remember. He barely shows it, but I know I have a little space in his ice-cold heart.

"I will" I said to him and gave a small reassuring smile. I entered the jet and took a seat. And a few minutes later the plane took off.


11 hours. It took. 11. Hours. I was finally in New Orleans. I'm surprised I didn't snap anybody's neck in that damn plane. I should have flown the plane myself or else I wouldn't have been so bored to death.

Long story short, they dropped me off in front of the bookstore. I looked around to see a few people curiously looking at me.


I rolled my suitcases and walked inside. The bookstore looked like, well, a bookstore. It was small but still cozy. It has a relaxing vibe to it.

I looked around to see dozens of books laying on book shelfs. I walked to the back of the place to see an elevator. I pressed the button for it to open and I walked in. After a minute, I stepped out of the elevator into the place I will be staying in for the year.

The interior design was similar to my apartment back at the headquarters. The only thing that was different was the color theme that consisted of peach, white, and a wooden color. Not my style but that'll do. I started to unpack.

After unpacking, I walked around the place to see where everything is. Where, most importantly, my weapons and other gadgets are. After I was done looking around the place, I went and grabbed my laptop to get right into it. I opened my laptop, grabbed my phone, and called Carlos.

"Dime (Tell me)", I heard him say.

"Tell me what you know about the Irish and transfer it to my laptop"

"Vale (okay)" I heard him typing for a few minutes and transferred a few files to my laptop. "This is the general information. You want me to go in depth?"

"Yeah. Let me know when you get your hands on their bank account information and other suspicious transactions, who they are allies with, who their enemies are, and what businesses they own"

"Got it" I heard him say and I hung up.

I looked on my laptop to see what he sent me just now. As I was browsing, Carlos sent me the rest of the information I asked for a while ago.

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