Chapter 10 - The Talk

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My eyes opened and I looked around. My head was pounding as I took in the unfamiliar place. I was in a room and I was wearing an oxygen mask, with IV drips running through my veins.

I yanked them out and slowly sat up. I looked down and saw that my injuries were treated. They have removed my hoodie, leaving me in my sports bra and my creative looking scars. I carefully stood up from the bed and limped around looking for my bag.


Where the hell is it? I kept walking around but I couldn't find it...Zeke. He probably has it right it now.

Ugh, I wanted to have a little more time avoiding them. I walked to the door and opened it. I looked left and right before stepping out of the room. With my hand on my ribcage, I limped down the hallway till I reached a stairway. I walked down step by step till I heard some murmurs. I walked to where I heard the sound when I found Zeke, Flavio, Donatello, and Evelina talking to each other in the kitchen. I guess my presence was pretty loud, so they simultaneously looked at me.

"Why is it always the kitchen?" I tried to smile at the joke but gave an awkward one seeing their serious faces. I looked at the kitchen island and saw that they took my things out of the bag and my laptop was opened. My face turned to a scowl immediately as I glared at them.

"You know. You won't get much information from that laptop since it has a password and all that" I said remaining calm.

"What's on this laptop?" Zeke asked me suspiciously.

"That is none of your concern. Do you mind giving it back?"

"Yes, we do mind. You will not have it until we have answers. Now sit down" Donatello said while glaring at me.

"*sigh* When I said to sit down and have a civil conversation, I didn't mean this" I rolled my eyes as I limped towards a chair at the dining table. I winced from the pain as I sat down.

"Let me ask you again. Perhaps you didn't understand the question. What is on this laptop?" Zeke said while taking out his gun.

"And let me answer you again. It does not concern you" I raised one of my eyebrows. Zeke clenched his jaw and put the gun on my forehead.

"Oh please you wouldn't dare, Zeke" I said while staring at him in the eye. I swiftly took out his gun from his hand and disassembled it. I grabbed the magazine and took out the bullets. Zeke got mad and grabbed my face.

"Listen here-" I grabbed his pinky and bent it backwards making his body go sideways and used my other hand and hit him in the throat making him choke.

"Don't touch me like that...ever again" I said while walking towards him.

"I know you have unanswered questions, and I can try to answer them in a civil matter. Do not touch me like that and we can have a conversation...and this counts for all of you. Understood?" I looked at all of them.

"Don't talk to us like that. I could kill you right now-"

"Then kill me" I smirked and put my hands on my hips while staring at him. He stood still and glared at me.

"Okay. Okay. Everybody calm down. Let's all go sit and ask her our questions" Evelina stepped in. Everyone agreed and went to take a seat. I limped to the island and grabbed my laptop and my bag, then I sat in one of the chairs. I grabbed my phone and tried to turn it on, but the battery was low.

"*exhale*" I rumbled through my bag and grabbed the power bank to charge it.

"So..." Evelina interrupted while rubbing her hands. I looked at her and gave a small smile.

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