Chapter 11 - Vilnius

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"Oh my God! You're okay, we were so worried about you" Thix said to me together with some other customers as they also nodded in agreement. We were all standing in the bookstore.

"Thank you guys for worrying...but I'm okay, as you can see. I was just out of town for a few days, and I forgot to let you know. Sorry about that" I chuckled in reassurance.

"Well don't do that next time. When you have to go out of town, let us know. We'll take care of the store for you"

"Thank you guys so much. That's so nice, I appreciate it. But don't steal my books" I said jokingly, and they laughed. They went about their business, and some bought some books and later went home.

After everyone left, I closed the door and went to clean the store. I was carefully cleaning up everything for a few hours and went to sit down after I finished. I wince at my injuries, and I started to gently rub them.

The painkillers were starting to wear off, but I didn't have the energy to go all the way upstairs. I put one arm on the table in front of me as I rested my forehead on it, suffering in silence. It felt like my organs were twisting, tearing apart, and glued back together. I felt myself burning up.

"*t" I whispered.


"We're closed. Come back again at 8..." I said with low energy. I felt footsteps walking behind me.

"Sorry, we're clo..sed" I turned around and saw Zeke standing there. I let out a pained breath.

"...What are you doing here?"

He walked towards me and sat on the chair in front of me. I slowly leaned against the chair I was sitting on but winced when the chair touched one of my injuries.

"Where are your pills?" Zeke asked.

"...Why do you care? You haven't been particularly happy to see me since I've been here" I looked back at him and arched my eyebrow.

"*sigh* Where are your pills?" he asked again ignoring what I said.

"..they're upstairs"




Zeke surprised me by walking to the elevator.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I heard him say behind me.

"You can't...just...go there" I slowly stood up and walked to the back.

"There's a password, dumbass *grunt*'' I stopped walking and leaned forward.

Zeke walked towards me and held me by my elbow. I looked at him and rolled my eyes as he helped me walk to the elevator. I quickly entered my password, and we went upstairs. As the elevator doors opened, we walked inside, and he walked me to a dining chair. He looked around and scanned the area.

"Where are-"

"They're in the fridge..."
He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, which was embarrassing since there was nothing in it.

"You have to eat" Zeke said walking towards me. He handed me my pills and a bottle of water as he sat on a chair next to me.

"Haven't really had the appetite" I said opening the bottle.

"...How are you feeling?"

"Amazing" I said sarcastically while he was dead serious.

"...I'm fine. I'll be better in a few days, which is weird. Even after all these years of getting shot and stabbed, I never get used to it" I said with a chuckle trying to joke, but Zeke didn't laugh.

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