Chapter 4 - Reunion

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I was organizing and making sure that everything was in order before opening the bookstore. After doing that, I walked to the door and turned the 'closed' sign to 'open'.

I walked back to my desk and turned on my computer to continue my 'research'. I hacked into Cian's - the leader of the Irish gang - personal account.


I looked at the amount this guy had in his personal account. The amount was too big for him unless he was brave enough to steal.

What an amateur.

The people he stole from will eventually find out. I clicked on his history to see where the money came from. The last transaction was made yesterday.

"32 million? *scoff*"

Hilarious. He must be prepared for war if he was bold enough to steal that much money. I browsed further to see who's money it was.


E.S... I continued browsing until I heard the door open. I looked up to see a woman with a child holding her hand.

"Excuse me? Are you open?" She said in a gentle voice. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have come in. The door says 'open' for a reason. I smiled at them.

"Good morning. Yes, what can I help you with?" I said in a friendly voice.

"Do you have children books? And also historical books?"

"Yes, I do. You should walk to aisle 4 for the children books, and the aisle next to that are the books about history. I hope you find what you're looking for"

"Thank you. Can I leave him here?" She said gesturing to who I think is her child.

"Of course. He can sit on the chair over here"

"Thank you" she smiled and walked towards the aisles. I followed her movement and shift my attention to the kid.

"What's your name?!" The kid asked me

"...Nova. What about you?" I asked feigning interest.

"That's a pretty name. I'm Theven'' I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're seven?" I asked confused. I'm pretty sure I asked for his name, not his age. The kid looked at me with confusion.

"No, my name is Theven" he corrected me.


"Oh, well nice to meet you...Theven" Ironically, this kid looks like he's around 7 or 8 years old.

"So you're on a little trip with your mother?"

"Yes, I am. She's taking me to buy toys!"

"That's great..." I said with an uninterested gaze.

"Yeah....You're really pretty"

"...Thank you" I said as I went back on my computer. It's obvious that I don't really like interacting with children.


"..." I felt the kid's gaze on me.


That went on for 15 minutes until the mother showed up. Thank goodness. Kids make me uncomfortable. She walked towards my desk with a couple of books.

"I would like to take these books. You have a big range of books; you should expect me to be a regular" She smiled at me.

"That's great, thank you so much. Do you want to buy or borrow the books?" I pulled the books towards me.

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