Just love

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The film was over and everyone went to bed they were supposed to sleep in the living room all together but Liam and Niall were going to sleep together and Harry and Louis were gonna sleep together of course and then there was room over Zayn. So everyone had their own room. Louis called Niall and they had a little talk in the kitchen Louis asked if he could tell Harry about the relationship between Niall and Liam he said yes I mean why not because it was the point no could know because no one knows Liam and I are gay but he's also gay and he's in a relationship with one of my best friends so why not.

So that means we can hang out with Zayn and Fiene and me and Liam and you two without having to hide something.  Yeah now we can hang out with the six of us without you two having to hide your relationship from Harry or someone else or do you not wanna come out yet? Well I do  wanna come out I just don't know how I mean I'm out to my friends and family now but I'm scared to tell school also a bit off because what happened to you and I don't want it to happen to me or Liam. And I don't want that Zayn gets bullied because he's friends with two gay couples. And I don't know if Liam wants to come out or not. You don't have to, you're out to your friends and your family that's the biggest step because I know how scared you are that maybe your friends will leave you or your family will hate you, you have such a good family I don't wanna say you have good friends but you kinda have good friends. They both laugh.

Well good night Niall. Good night Louis. They both went upstairs to their boyfriends.

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Lots of love Nova <3

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