Chapter 6: A New Life

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Mario felt surprised as the wave passed through him, expecting something to happen. What surprised him most was that everything seemed... normal? He looked around the room for any signs that anything had occurred. "Everyone okay?" Peach, Luigi, Daisy, and the other guests looked confused, but no one was hurt. In fact, as far as Mario could tell not a thing was out of place.

"What-a was that bro?" Luigi asked. "I don't-a know Luigi." Mario scratched his head. "I think..." Everyone looked at Peach as she spoke up. "I think it came from the direction of the Koopa Kingdom." Mario set his feelings aside and nodded back at her. This wasn't the time to think about Peach's rejection, and honestly Mario couldn't hold it against her anyway. Mario walked up to the nearest window and looked out. It was sunset and there was still enough light to see Toad Town from here.

Mario saw the occasional figure in the distance, but there wasn't anyone running in a panic or anything. No fires, damage, no sign from here that anything was out of the ordinary. Still, Mario couldn't help but feel uneasy. "Luigi, let's-a go check the town." Mario said, taking charge. "Princess, could you handle the castle?" Peach nodded. "Okay bro, sounds like-a good idea."

The Mario Brothers quickly made their way outside the ballroom and down the steps. As Mario rushed outside the castle, he took a quick glance in the Koopa Kingdom's direction, seeing the same black clouds hanging over it as always. 'Bowsette... what-a have you done this time?' He can't help but think. Mario had a mission ahead of him though and decided to push the thought to the side and deal with whatever the Koopa Queen's latest plan was when she made her move.


A few hours later, the tired brothers made their way back to Peach's Castle, the stars having long since filled the sky. Mario and Luigi didn't find anything apparent as they swept through town, no damage or injuries. The people the two had talked to all had similar stories. Most saw a bright pink light moments before a pink wave engulfed them. After it had passed, nobody noticed anything different from always. Mario looked at Bowsette's wanted poster as he trudged through town, still struggling to keep his mind on the task at hand and not concern himself with the bothersome She-Koopa. However, to all appearances Mario didn't need to worry, nothing had changed at all. That only made Mario even more suspicious however, something that big doesn't just... do nothing.

As the two entered the castle Peach and Daisy were waiting for them. "Mario, Luigi, anything to report? Is the town alright?" Peach asked. Luigi shook his head. "Nothing. It look-a like nothing happened." Daisy sighed. "Okay, what the hell is going on?" The tomboyish princess said frustrated. "Nothing happened here either. Not a brick is out of place and the servants and guards reported no changes at all." Daisy said. "That blasted Bowsette must have done something!"

Peach held her longtime friend's shoulder to calm her down. "Now now Daisy, we must not act rash. For all we know Bowsette had nothing to do with it." Daisy groaned in response. "That's nonsense and you know it Peach, though it would be just like her to prank us all by distracting us from the party with some flashy light show." Daisy turned around in a huff. "Whatever! Everybody, let's eat the cake before it goes to waste and get home for the night." Nobody could argue against that.


"Kamek, we have a major situation." Bowsette began and turned back to her lifelong servant. "The Super Crown DID work." Kamek didn't know what to say, but he was starting to suspect something. "And what has it done my Queen?" Bowsette flinched at the address but kept going. "I think... it didn't just change me, it made everything else change too to fit." Kamek nodded hesitantly, though it was still hard for him to conceive the pieces were adding up. "Though good luck trying to prove it to anyone." Bowsette noted. "How could this have happened?"

Kamek stepped back nervously. "Um... ah... perhaps my... adjustments to the crown were more successful than anticipated. But to do as you say my Lady, to rewrite reality... few except celestial beings could deliberately do something like that." Bowsette moved over to her bed and sat down. "Like the Star Rod?" She asked. "Yes, though not even the Star Rod could do something like this so fast. I may have amplified the magic far beyond its typical limits. If that's the case it might affect just your castle, the whole kingdom, or beyond, there's no way to tell."

Bowsette laid back into the bed and groaned. "Becoming a woman was supposed to let me infiltrate the Mushroom Kingdom and anywhere else I wanted! SO many schemes I could've pulled off with that and with no one the wiser, but now..." Bowsette grabbed and threw a pillow at the wall. "So much for THAT idea..." The woman laments. She laid on the bed and pouted for a minute before getting up.

Bowsette wobbled a bit on her feet as she stood. "Ugh... how to women walk in these fucking things?" Kamek watched as Bowsette tried awkwardly to cross from one side of the room to the other repeatedly without falling over. Kamek caught his Queen as she tripped and almost fell. "Dammit... dammit dammit DAMMIT! And the woman... me... whatever didn't have a single flat even!" Bowsette grunted and got back to her feet.

"Would you like some flats made my Mistress?" Bowsette considered it for a moment. "Nah. If that bitch Peach could walk around in these things everywhere so can I!" Bowsette didn't even notice her words. She'd never insulted Peach before, unless one considered the countless kidnappings. "Come on Kamek. I'm guessing the dining room is still in the east wing?" Kamek nodded and Bowsette walked awkwardly towards it, her servant helping her stay on her feet.

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