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the circle.

amaryllis pov;
i walked back to the chapel, to tell lily and jowan i finally had the rod. as i entered the room, i saw jowan pacing back and fourth whilst lily and neria both sat on opposite sides of a bench. "i err.. i got the rod," as soon as i spoke, lily jumped up. "thank you, now come. we must get to the phylactery chamber," she said, as she rushed twards the door, jowan and i following. neria didnt move for a moment, she hesitated to follow us, but she did.

(again, skip to where they get to the door where the locks wont melt. i dont feel like writing "they walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked")

eventually, we had reached the first door the the phylactery chamber. lily mumbled some password that was something along the lines of 'sword of the maker, tears of the fade,' and had me touch the door. creepy, once the door was open we were greeted by the second door. the one i had to try and break through.

3rd person pov;
amaryllis used the rod of fire, trying to melt the locks. as many times as she tried, the locks never budged. this only stressed lily and jowan, "we will never get out of here" jowan muttered, hanging his head. "no, no no, there has to be a way," lily said, frantically looking around. while jowan and lily stressed, neria pointed out another door across the room. "theres, theres another door. it should lead to the phylactery chamber i believe." right after neria said that, jowan and lily rushed to the door again. as they opened it, some form of demons appeared. as one rushed to attack neria, i froze it, watching it sizzle away from such a simple spell.

eventually i killed off most of these demonic spirits. no help to jowan or lily, who cowered in a corner. i waved them back over, signaling the ghosts had disappeared. as we walked down the long, old hallways, a few more of the hostile entities had appeared. along with these lizard-like beings that neria and i had to fight off. after the majority of the fighting had passed by, we found another room. neria and i entering first, to be sure.
"woah, this is like.. full of ancient stuff" neria finally broke the silence, walking around the huge room. as she and i entered, jowan and lily soon followed. whilst neria was admiring little jewels and dusty books, i found a statue. it was tall, and old, and it spoke to me.

(okay, bear with me, i cant remember exactly what eleni zinovia/the tevinter statue says so im just gonna entirely skip it because google wont help. skipping to where they get to the phylacter chamber finally)

3rd person pov;
amaryllis, jowan, neria, and lily had finally found the phylactery chamber, jowan being especially intrigued by it. "so.. this is it," he murmured as amaryllis rushed up the stairs, immediately replying to his admiration. "admire it later, i wanna get this over with"

jowan and lily walked up the stairs afterwards, looking for jowans phylactery as amaryllis spoke up again. "oh, cool, here they are. mine and yours, right next to eachother," she started. "hey, if you break mine ill break yours, sound cool?" she joked. picking hers and jowans up, before she could hand him either phylacteries neria bolted up the stairs. "wait. wait wait wait, amaryllis you cannot do that, you said we were just helping jowan and that was it. you CANNOT do this," she said frantically, almost begging. "woah, what are you even on about? why cant i break mine, is it bevause yours isnt here either? we could go to denerim and-" amaryllis replied sympathetically, trying to calm her friend down. "no, no no no. it isnt that, jowan, lily, amaryllis, i need to confess something.. now,"
"neria, what the hell are y-"
"i told irving" without paying attention, amaryllis dropped both phylacteries from shock, and she felt her heart shatter. "what? how could you! i trusted you!" jowan spat, immediately running down the stairs, lily chasing after him. "i hope you are happy, neria." amaryllis spoke coldly, immediately following both jowan and lily out into the main hall. as she caught up to them, she truly felt hopeless, seeing the first enchanter, knight commander, and a few templars waiting for them. "so what your favorite pupil said was true, irving," greagoir spoke calmly, but he truly sounded disappointed. "an initiate, conspiring with a blood mage. im disappointed, lily. she seems shocked, but fully in control of her own mind. not a thrall of the blood mage, then," greagoir continued, seeming to ignore amaryllis' presence as neria entered the room. "you were right, irving. the initiate has betrayed us. the chantry will not let this go unpunished." he continued, stepping back to irving as neria quietly followed. she seemed to regret it, looking down at the floor as greagoir STILL continued talking. "and you, you were a trusted mage, yet flouting the rules of the circle." he finished, irving beginning to speak after him. "i am disappointed in you, i expected you to be alongside miss surana here, telling me of this plan. but you were not," he calmly spoke.

amaryllis pov;
my heart was racing, we were all truly doomed now. "you dont care for the mages, you just bow to the chantrys every whim!" jowan shouted, i could hear the panic in his voice. "jowan dont ma-" i began, being cut off by greagoir. "enough. as knight commander ofmthe templars here assembled, i sentence the blood mage to death. and this initiate has scorned the chantry and her vows. take her to aeonar." he demanded. not moving a finger as the templars began to approach us. "the.. the mages' prison. no.. please, no. not there!" she said, beginning to cower behind jowan. "no! i wont let you touch her!" he intervened, stepping in front of her and immediately picking up a knife she had dropped, only to cut his hand, knocking the first enchanter, knight commander, and his templars back.

"by the maker.. blood magic! h.. how could you? you said you never.." she said, even more scared then before. "i admit it i.. i only dabbled, i thought it would make me a better mage!" he said, trying to comfort her as she stepped back. "blood magic is evil, jowan. it corrupts people.. changes them.." "im going to give it up! all magic! please, i just want to be with you lily. please, come with me.."
"i trusted you. i was ready to sacrifice everything for you.. i.. i dont know who you are, blood mage.. stay away from me." she muttered, again stepping farther away into the corner from him. jowan looked at me, as i sadly nodded. looking down at neria with pity, before finally running after him. running away.

(1168 words. i hate writing, huzzah, i have finished another chapter.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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