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"Scott!" Yelled my mom from downstairs as she came through the front door from getting the mail.

"Yeah mom, up here!" I yelled back.

About five seconds after I said that, she came running up the stairs. "Hey, how was school?" She asked as she leaned up against my door frame.

I shrugged, "Good I guess, how was work."

"Fine." Her eyes shifted from one side of the room to the other, then back to me. She wanted to say something.

"What is it?" I asked, hoping it had nothing to do with me.

She came in my room closing the door behind her, then she walked toward me stopping about two feet away from me, "I don't want your father to hear this but, do you remember Sally and your cousin Percy?" She asked looking me in the eye while holding her hands together infront of her face as if she were praying. She knew they were a sore subject for me, for Stiles to.

Percy. That was a name I hadn't heard in in a while. He my best friend, and cousin. My moms sister, Sally, was his mother. My mother and Sally were very close. Then all of a sudden when we were seven, me and Stiles were in the front yard waiting for Percy to arrive, when he never showed. We waited days after that, but he never came back never called, never wrote, never knew if he was okay. I was angry with him for a while, then I realized it wasn't his fault. I never figured out why he left. Me and Stiles still talk about it but not much anymore with everything going on. We miss him, I still have a picture of me, him, and Stiles after we went swimming on one day, it was after my father left,  and were happy. I have another picture with me,  my mom, Stiles, his mother, Percy, and Sally, with Percy laughing sitting in Sally's lap with with her face in the crook of his neck tickling him with her arms around him, my mom sitting Indian style beside them with me on her back smiling, and Stiles with his arms around his mom from behind kissing her cheek with her eyes closed and smiling. That was the best day of my life, I think that Stiles would agree. Then one day me, Stiles, and Mom were in the living room watching T.V. when breaking news of three kids from New York went missing, we nearly broke when Percy's picture popped up on the screen. But almost a week later we felt so much relief when he, along with the other children, were found. I also found out that Percy had a stepfather? Saying all these horrible things about him on the news, but we all knew better than to believe anything of what came out of that guys mouth about Percy and his Mother.

My chest throbbed with sadness, "Yeah why?" I asked, my throat suddenly going dry.

She took a shakey breath trying to keep her voice smooth and even, "They're moving back here, to Beacon Hills." She said, tears forming in her brown eyes with every word she spoke.

I felt....happy. Like, for the first time in a long time, a tiny fire ignited itself in my chest warming me from the inside out. I smiled then laughed, hugging my mom accidentally picking her up in the process. When I put her down I grabbed her head and kissed her forehead. "I've gotta tell Stiles!" I exclaimed running to get my phone off my bedside table, I stopped typing in his number when I asked, "Wait, why didn't you want dad to know?" Her smiled started fading quickly.

"Scott, when you fell down the stairs the night your father left, Percy and Sally were their, they saw the entire thing. Percy got so mad, even though he was only seven you could say he had a pretty good punch and some amazing reflexes. He jumped over the railing, then punched your dad , causing him to have a broken nose. Then he left, your father being a drunk and all, well, he tried to go after Percy. He would've gotten him, had me and Sally not been their. Then you woke up, didn't remember a thing." She said walking up to Scott with sympathy in her eyes.

"I didn't know all that." Then it dawned on me. "Are you saying dad tried to hurt Percy that night too? Ok, it's one thing that he messed with me. But he can't mess with anyone around me. For gods sake, He was only barely seven years old! What the hell!" I said raising my voice. My father tried to hit Percy when he was defending me, that will not be okay with me tonight at dinner.

"Like I said, we got to him first." She said kissing my cheek. "Call Stiles, celebrate. Do something to get your mind off this whole Wolfie thing going on. They will be here in one week." She said with a smile as she stepped out of my room.

I grabbed my phone off my bed and called Stiles.

"What do you want Scott?" He asked grumpily sounding like I woke him.

"Stiles, I have awesome news!" I yelled through the phone as I finished shoving school books into my backpack.

"What?" His voice sounding muffled, maybe putting his face in his pillow.

"It's Percy bro. He's coming back." I said slowly.

Dead Silence.

I was starting to think he fell asleep while on the phone, when I heard, "Oh my God. Say that again?"

"You heard me, he's coming back. Our third musketeer is coming back."


"Next week."

"How do you know?" He asked.

"My mom." I replied.

"How does she know." I was getting irritated with him.

"I don't know Stiles, Sally probably called her why does it matter? Our best friend is coming back. Okay he can tell us everything when he gets back if he chooses." I stated, frowning.

"I know, I know. I just can't believe it Scott. He's coming back. Remember when we were little and used to dream about him coming back into our lives. To be honest, I was never really sure if it would actually happen." He said.

" I know. Me neither."

"Okay, see you at school Scott."

"Yeah, see you." I said, and hung up.

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