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Percy is coming home today! Stiles and I are so excited but we mostly kept quiet about it. Not on purpose but with everything going on with the deadpool its been a lot and we haven't had anytime to tell anyone besides Kira and Derek. Its just kinda came out to them, not that we were trying real hard to hold it in.

Stiles is over here at my house with my mom and I trying to clean the place up a bit for when Percy gets here. Sally said that his flight should be arriving around 8:30 tonight and it's already 8:00.

"Come on boys, we have to hurry to the airport if we want to get there before he lands. Move it." Said my mom from downstairs as me and Stiles were finishing up the guest bedroom where Percy will be staying.

"Coming." We both yelled.

"You think he'll be excited to see us as much as we are him?" I asked Stiles.

Stiles was about to speak when he got interrupted by my mothers voice from the doorway behind us, " Of course he will. When I was on the phone with Sally I could practically hear him in the background. " she said with a smile.

We all chuckled at the thought of what he might of been doing. "C'mon we gotta go." She told us, and we all left for the airport to pick up our best friend.

----------------------At the airport---------------------

We were waiting behind the gate waiting for everyone to come off the plane. I could hear all of our heart beating faster than usual but who could blame us? We were excited.

Stiles patted my back with a smile as people started to file out. The anxiety was building more and more with all of us the more people came out and none of them looked like Percy. The more people came first the fewer there are now, they were about to close the gate when another person came running through the gate. He was slim and muscular about 6 feet tall with jet black hair wearing a leather jacket dark jeans and converse. When he turned around we knew exactly who it was.

"Percy." Me and Stiles whispered at the same time as we ran toward him. I saw his eyes widen then a smiles spread across his face as if he hadn't smiled in ages. We hugged each other like a couple of children hugging their favorite teddy bear.

"I missed you guys so much." He said to us as we finally separated. We all smiled.

"We missed you to bro." Said Stiles. I grabbed his bag and slung my arm around his shoulders as did Stiles and we walked back to my mother. Once she came in sight again we saw her holding her phone camera sideways taking a video.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She looks up smiling and says, " I had to get it on video." We chuckle.

Percy steps forward smiling as was my mother and said, " Its good to see you again Aunt Melissa." She smiled and they hugged.

"Its good to see you to Percy." They pulled away from each other. She looks at Percy and says, " Let's go home." I see him slightly flinch at the word 'home' but I don't question it. I'm just happy that he's finally back.

----------------------At the house----------------------

"-and this is your room." My mom says as she opens the door to his room. It has a queen sized bed with a dresser and a desk with supplies and a printer, he has his own bathroom like me.

He turns to my mom, " Thank you, so much. Its perfect." He says with a smile.

She smiles and puts her hand on his shoulder, " your always welcome here Percy." And walks downstairs to start dinner.

We all walk into his room We all fall in his bed. "I'm tired." Says Stiles.

"Me too." Says Percy.

"So am I." I say.

After a moment if silence I think were all about to doze off because we all yawn.

"I'm hungry." Stiles says in a sleepy voice.

"Me too." Percy says slowly.

"So am I." I say tiredly.

I hear Stiles start snoring, followed by Percy then my eyes start drooping, and I finally fall into sleep.

----------------------2 hours later-----------------------

"Boys!" Someone yells disturbing my nap. It takes us all by surprise I don't know what positions we were in while we were asleep but we all fell on the floor head first.

We all groan.

"Dinner." My mom says as she left the room.

We were all on our knees looking at each other with tired eyes, then we groan again and fling our heading face first into the comforter on Percy's bed.

"Its grilled cheese with pickles!" My mom sings upstairs when she sees that we haven't moved, but that got our attention. Then we all got up running to the door with a mix of comments like,


"God I'm hungry"

"I love pickles."

Grilled cheese was our favorite food when we were little, then one day us guys were in the kitchen and Percy found a pickle jar and for some reason put pickles on the grilled cheese and we fell in love with it. We called it the "Percy Special" but he didn't like taking all the credit since we were all in the kitchen we all got credit.

-------------------Time lapse -----------------

After dinner Stiles decided to spend the night without asking.....

We were all in my room talking and Stiles asked Percy, " So what have you been up to the past 10 years?" I heard Percy's heart start to race, and his chemo signals were filled with grief. Then I noticed that his heart started slowing down.

He put on a smile and said, " Not much. I mean I've been kicked out of almost every school in the country it seems like. That was one reason why me and my mom decided for me to come to school here. I was kicked out of all the schools in Manhattan. " he says looking at us nodding his head.

"Really?" I asked trying to see if he is lying for some reason.

He chuckled and said, "Yeah."

His heart beat steadied out by now, what was that about?

He got up and leaped onto my bed with me while Stiles sat on the floor.

"What about y'all?" He asked.

"What about us?" I asked.

"What have you two been up too? And don't say 'nothing' because I see a lot different about you. Don't think I didn't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore." He said pointing at me.

"Just lacrosse really. I guess Scott grew out of his asthma." Said Stiles trying not to think about what has been going on.

"Lacrosse? What is a Lacrosse?" He asked filled with confusion.

I chuckled. "Lacrosse is a sport. Its like, field hockey but the sticks have nets." I explained remembering that how Allison described it to her family the night I had dinner with them while trying to find the wolfsbane bullet that Kate shot Derek with.

"Oh." He said lying down.

We laid in silence until me and Percy heard a snor come from the floor in front of the bed, we leans over to see Stiles lying down on his back, limbs everywhere and his mouth wide open snoring.

We looked at each other and shook our heads. We laid down dreading school the next day. Then we both let the darkness of sleep haunt us of death.

(A/N): Scott is still haunted by what happened to Allison and Aiden. I feel him and Percy will be able to bond more if he was. Comment!

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