Chapter 1: Perfect Fit

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"He's the one."

"How are you so sure?"

"He has all the qualities, integrity, leadership, dedication."

"He's not like the others you've chosen. ."

"We need to take a chance, the multiverse is at its worst at the moment. We need him."

"Did you set everything up for him?"

"Yes. He will be ours by the end of the day."

Chapter 1: Perfect Fit

Thimble slowly rose from bed. He smacked the alarm clock, stopping its beeping and subsequently breaking it. The shattered clock read "9:00AM". I'd better get to that meeting. He stopped by his closet for a moment, picking his clothes for the day. Photos lie face-down atop the shelves, and polaroids were scattered across the ground. His room was a mess, and the bed was big enough for him and one other. He gazed at his appearance in the smudged mirror. He wore a black top hat, with amber embroidery around the edges. A white leather suit draped down his shoulders, with a checkered tie. He grabs a few papers off of the bedside table, and shoves them quickly into his suitcase.

Thimble walked out of his bedroom, and into the hallway. To his left, a door, followed by a living room ahead. He shut the door behind him, and stepped down his porch. His bath house was meagerly attached to the house, broken tiles lying on the ground fallen from the roof. Thimble took in his surroundings once again, taking in a gasp of air. Blades of maize danced in the fields.

Thimble walked towards the back of his house, tire tracks walking alongside him. He turned the corner. Taking out keys from his back pocket, he presses a button, flashing the front lights, and unlocking the car. It was a red pony car, with branding on the back, "Lusitano". He enters the car, putting his key into the ignition and turning the car on. He threw his bag onto the passenger seat, and began driving soon after.

"Just another day." he muttered to himself. The plains that surrounded him seemed to stretch on for miles. He peered forward, looking straight down the road. Ahead were signs he went past too quickly to read. Slowly, he merged into the city, flying past people walking on the sidewalk. The streets were empty, only car tracks ingrained the road, twisting and turning every direction. The buildings beside him had lights on, the same fluorescent glow as they've always had shining through the windows.

Thimble turned right, into the only spot open in the parking lot, a handicapped spot. Thimble pulled into it, without regard. He got out of his car and clicked his keys to lock it.Slowly he strolled into the shop, taking note to adjust his clothing. Thimble stopped to read the sign, Chen's Coffee. Inside, he was met with an overwhelming smell of bitter black coffee and ashtrays.

"So, you made it out!" Chen beamed across the counter. The few customers that were in the shop glared at Thimble and his dystopian appearance. Chen had a Kaftan robe on, with an orange ranger hat. He had scarves wrapped around his neck, with cuffs and beaded bracelets on both arms.

"I did. You managed to start your coffee business." Thimble replied. He had not taken in the surroundings yet. Neon lights were thrown on the walls like paint strokes on a canvas. The store had swords and vases on the shelves, embroidered with various geometry shapes. The walls were made of round stones, giving a Renaissance feel.

Thimble took a seat at one of the barstools. Chen passed him a float. "So, what do you do now?

"I'm headed to a job interview after this." he slurped.

"Nice!" Chen said. "I thought you really lost it after what happened..."

Thimble glanced down. You knew he was gonna bring it up. "I've been living off the cash that I got from him."

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