Fluffy fluff fluff

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"Thanks for the ride Mitsuya~"

Mitsuya smiled in return as he softly caresses Y/n's cheeks, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Anything for you babe." He grinned, giving her waist a firm squeeze before pulling back. "I have to go now, I don't have classes until late in the afternoon so I'll be at my studio." He explains, sad that he wouldn't get to spend the day with her.

"Hmm~ I'll make sure to visit someday." Y/n beamed at him. "Maybe I could try on some of your designs." She adds in a flirty tone, fiddling with the buttons of his shirt.

Mitsuya smirks mischievously as he thought back to the designs he'd made especially for her. Biting down on his lower lip as he imagines her wearing them.

"It would be my pleasure darling." He slurred, his lavender eyes shinning with affection.

Standing on her toes, Y/n pecks Mitsuya's nose before turning to the entrance of the school building; waving him good bye as she laughs heartily at his flushed expression.

"Damn, She'll be the death of me." He muttered under his breath, watching her bubbly figure disappear along the corners.

And with that he slipped into his car, smiling to himself as he still couldn't comprehend to the fact that she was his.


It was her first day being in school after her accident. Luckily for her, Kazutora and Rhea had filled her up on most of the things she'd missed.

Rhea balled her eyes out as she clung desperately unto Y/n. Apologising for not being able to visit her due to a family emergency. Y/n could understand her position and wasn't the least bit offended, but it still took the help of Kazutora to get Rhea to stop crying.

Now as she roamed through the halls, she couldn't help but notice the stares she received. She didn't pay any mind to them, she was just happy to be back.

Just when she was about to reach her first class, her phone rang. Her favorite song echoed around the halls as the device buzzed in her jeans.

She smiled at the caller's name, picking up at the first ring.

"Y/n speaking." She teased, her smile growing.

"Hmm I think I might be sick."

Y/n arched a brow, waiting for the person to continue as she cocked her hips to the side.

"Ask me why."

"Why?" She played along, growing anxious and excited at the same time.

"Because I haven't had a dose of my special medicine."

"Oh? And what is this medicine?" She couldn't help the giggle that slipped from her lips as the person sighs dramatically; the both of them already knowing what came next.

"Your lips."

Y/n chewed on her inner cheek as she felt her heart warm and butterflies erupt in her stomach.
It didn't matter how many times he said it, it still managed to make her feel giddy.

"Turn around so I can get it before it's too late."

Startled, Y/n whipped her head behind her, only to be whisked into a hug by a pair of sturdy familiar arms.

"Mikey!!" She squealed, breaking into laughter as the blonde nuzzles on her neck, inhaling the enchanting scent he couldn't get enough of.

He snaked his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind.
"Come on Bunny I'm dying here." He huskily whispered into her ears. The both of them not giving a flying fuck as they stood in the corner of the massive hall.

HAREM OF Y/N (Tokyo Revengers Boys x reader)Where stories live. Discover now