In the throne room, Maul and Deviot continued to watch the battle unfold outside from the window. As an explosion went off, Maul laughed, "Look at them. So blissfully ignorant."
Ahsoka asked, "Care to tell me what this is all about? Or would you rather save it for the Council?"
Turning back to her, the Pokemon Trainers, and their Pokemon, Maul replied, "Oh no. No. You are the one that I wish to speak with." He and Deviot walked back to the center of the room, in front of the throne, "Were you not cast out of you're order?"
The former Jedi simply said, "I left voluntarily."
"Yes, but you we're motivated to leave by the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council."
As Ahsoka began to look unsure, Dawn jumped in, "Hey, not everyone on the Council is like that!"
Goh added, "Some of them still believed in Ahsoka!"
Deviot cut in, "Maybe. But those ones were outvoted and overruled. The Council really falls at being a democracy. Just like the Republic."
Serena shouted, "What was that!?"
Maul came back in, "Don't you see how similar me and Ahsoka are? We were both tools for a greater power."
Shaking her head, Ahoska stated, "I am here to bring you to justice!"
Once again, the former Sith laughed, "Justice is merely the construct of the current power base. A base which, according to my calculations, is about to change."
Dawn asked, "And Darth Sidious is behind it?"
Maul shuttered, "He is behind everything. In the shadows always, but soon, very soon, he will reveal himself."
Ahsoka told him, "With your help, the Jedi can stop Sidious before it's too late."
Maul shouted, "Too late!? For what? The Republic to fall? It already has and you all just can't see it. There is no justice, no law, no order! Except for the one that will replace it! The time of the Jedi has passed. They can not defeat Sidious. But together we all can."
Dawn shouted back, "Yeah, right! Like we'd ever trust you two! You're evil!"
Serena added, "You have no respect or honor, or compassion for your troops! You'd betray us the first chance you'd get!"
Goh stated, "Yeah. I mean you had Saxon kill Almec from what we heard! We can't trust someone who treats his troops like disposable pawns! Besides, you're wrong about the Jedi and the Republic they're still a force for good!"
Dawn came back in, "Goh's right! They've done so much good during this terrible war. They've saved many planets and people, from Ryloth to Mon Cala to even our very own Earth."
Serena turned to Ashoka to add, "Ahsoka remember? The Jedi, Clones, and Republic helped you save your people from those Zygerrian slavers."
Ahsoka nodded, "Yeah, they did do that."
Deviot entered the conversation, "Oh you poor naive fools. You focus so much on the good, you've failed to notice the evils you're precious Republic has allowed to happen, and that you, your friends, the Jedi, and Clones haven't stopped! All the people who have been stripped of their rights and liberties by the Republic, Republic forces annihilating civilization cities at the Battle of Atraken, the brutal conquest and ruling by fear on planets like Charros IV, or the fact that they have left your Pony friends in Equestria to suffer under the Separatist occupation. It stopped being the Republic almost two years ago. But you fools and so many others, including some actually suffering because of it, are so oblivious to that fact that you've kept fighting for what's replaced it, hyper-focused on saving something that no longer even exists! It's an Empire in all but name now."
Dawn, Serena, and Goh's Adventures of Star Wars: The Siege of Mandalore
FanfictionYup, I'm doing this again, only things are slightly different. In the Pooh's Adventure of Star Wars movies, the only companions Ash has with him are Misty and Brock, as such I decided to do this fanfic set in my continuity of the Pooh's Adventure se...