Disney Trip *Cute/Fun/Fluff*

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You had surprised Jenna with some tickets to Disney World for her birthday and she was ecstatic about going. You hold her hand on the plane ride there and she talks about which rides she is most excited for. You weren't huge on things that were insanely fast or high, but you were willing to try anything once at least for Jenna. 

You get off the airplane together and head straight to the hotel where you booked a themed hotel room for the both of you to share. 

Jenna looks around and giggles softly "Awe, You went all out" She says excitedly dropping her suitcase by the door before she belly flops onto the bed and stretches contently

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Jenna looks around and giggles softly "Awe, You went all out" She says excitedly dropping her suitcase by the door before she belly flops onto the bed and stretches contently. "Course I did beautiful, It is for your birthday after all!" You reply putting the suitcases by the dresser before you join her on the bed and lay on your back smiling at her softly.

She leans over and pecks your lips sweetly a kiss you happily return before you rub her back. "Wanna rest a little or head into the park?" You ask bumping your nose against hers.

"Hm.. I think we should walk through the park and get some food first then we can pick some rides while our bellies settle" She suggests.

You smile more and nod equally as hungry as she was. "That sounds pretty perfect" You agree.

You both leave the hotel room prepared to unpack later because you would be here for the entire week.

You hold her hand while you walk through the park poking her hair that kind of looked like ears.

She giggles and nips at you playfully. "Rude" You say in a joking tone just making her giggle more at your reaction.

"You love me" She states in return and you chuckle a little "Very much" You agree.

You two search the area and find a spot where you wanna get some food together and you stand in line waiting to pick what you wanted to eat. You talked about the menu and which items sounded pretty good and the ones you wanted to try.

You ended up getting a bubble waffle to share and found a seat nearby she carried the water for the both of you and you pulled out the chair for her

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You ended up getting a bubble waffle to share and found a seat nearby she carried the water for the both of you and you pulled out the chair for her. She giggles and sits before you sit across from her and smile happily.

You two munch the waffle and talk about which rides she would wanna try first. You weren't huge on some of them, but you knew you would be alright with Jenna by your side on them.

After the food is finished you and Jenna walk around the park to let your stomachs settle a while and head to the gift shops to look around not wanting to buy anything till you were ready to head back to the hotel. 

Bout a half hour later you and Jenna were waiting in line for the first ride and you were holding her hand a bit nervous, but you did your best to hide it because you wanted her to have a really good time.

A few rides in and you needed a break your stomach felt all twisted from the rides and you felt a little sick.

Jenna gets you some water and you both sit on a bench together.

"I'm sorry I picked the harsh rides" She says with a pout.

You chuckle and shake your head a little "Don't apologize, Getting to go on the rides with you makes it worth it, Plus I always feel a little more safe with you by my side" You admit giving her cheek a soft kiss.

She smiles with a blush and pecks your lips in return "How about we pick some stuff at the gift shop and head back for dinner? We can do more rides tomorrow" She suggest looking up to show you the sun was going down and it was going to be dark soon.

You head back to the gift shop together and browse around you hum to yourself and end up picking something out for her while she is looking at other stuff. You cash out before she can see and then she finishes too and you insist on paying for what she gets.

She blushes, but hands you the cute plush she got for you then you hand her the bag with what you got for her.

"Awe" She says happily and takes the item from the bag you had picked her a cute lion king plush and she squeezes it with a bit of glee it is soft and cute and wrapped in a blanket it was perfect.

"I love it" She says and quickly hugs onto you, You laugh and return the hug.

After that you head back to the hotel room and end up snuggling up after changing for the night. You order room service for dinner wanting to take her out tomorrow night to the restaurant for a special dinner, but for tonight relaxed and room service would work perfectly.

You snuggled her close and hum contently with the Lion king playing on the tv.

"Thanks for the best birthday gift ever" She says softly a bit tired from all the walking around.

"Anything for you baby" You reply kissing her head with a smile.

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