•- Chapter 3-•

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I wake up in the morning due to my roommate shaking me. "Y/n wake up so I can show you around before school starts" he says standing up. What the fuck, the sun isn't even shining. I frown. "Five more minutes" I say rolling over.

Next thing I know my blanket is snatched from me. This makes me sit up. I glare at Ajax. He woke me up this early for a tour? "Come on lets go" Ajax said not letting me speak. "Depends, where to first?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "We could go get that scratch checked out first, then I can take you to your classes" he says pointing to my shoulder. I shake my head.
"No" I say
"Why not?" He asks looking at me in confusion. "Well first of all a boy coming in with a pretty huge scratch is gonna make them question me and even if I was to make up an excuse I doubt they would believe it which would make them suspicious of something else, and second you can't show me my classes without knowing my schedule" I look at him curiously. His eyes widen for a second. "Ok ok first one not an option but I looked at your schedule while you were sleeping" he says awkwardly.

We walk to my first class when I turn around to face Ajax. "Ok I'm at class now you can go now, I'll meet you back here after class okay?" I tell him. He laughs a bit at this while I look at him in confusion. "What?" I ask him crossing my arms. He shakes his head and waves me off walking away.

I walk into class and I immediately hate it.
Bianca Barclay

I walk around to get a seat as far away from her as I could until she calls out to me. "Y/n! Come sit by me" she shouts out to me turning everyone's head to both her and me. My eyes widen a bit as I stop all motion. I could just keep going. "Come on she doesn't bite" some other people call out. She's gonna kill me. I sigh and head over to the empty seat next to her.

"What do you want Bianca?" I ask glaring at her. She looks back at me with a neutral face. She doesn't answer, but instead looks forward and pays attention as the teacher starts class. What the hell is this? Throughout class she keeps eyeing me watching my every move.


Anonymous POV


Flashback To Last Night

"We need to keep our eyes on him" a hooded figure speaks up. "Agreed" a different voice speaks up. "I can watch him on breaks and overnight, as for during class I have some classes with him but not all" a boy speaks up. "I have a few classes with him as well" a girl speaks up. "Ok then, we can watch him and make sure you guys keep an eye on him good for any suspicious activity we still don't know what he is or why he came here mid-term" another boy says. " your on first watch during school

Flashback Over


I walk into a room with Ajax in a fencing suit, not gonna lie I make all these hoes look sad. I'm the hottest bitch in this whole place. I start walking a bit more composed, like a model walk but less tense. Ajax giggles at the sight making me turn to him. "What are you laughing at? I'm obviously the hottest bitch in this place, I'm strutting my shit" I say continuing my little walk until I realize I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. I stop in embarrassment and turn around. Walking back awkwardly to Ajax I ask, "what are we supposed to be doing?" I whisper to Ajax not wanting anyone else to hear me. This makes Ajax laugh. I elbow his ribs to make him shut up.

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