•- Chapter 14 -•

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I get out the shower, get dressed, and walk back into the dorm room to see Ajax on the phone with someone. He hangs up looking at me frowning. "I can't cuddle with you for now, Bianca just called me I have to meet up with her and a few other nightshades, apparently Wednesday found the real monster" he says heading to the door. C/n is already sleeping so he can't really involve himself right now. "Wait, I'm coming too" I state walking by him. He shakes his head. "No, you've already faced this thing enough times, just go to sleep I'll be back when we're done" he says. I shake my head grabbing his arm. "No, I might have encounter that bitch way too many times, but I also survived, and might I tell you that this bitch has a mind so I'm gonna be there just incase something bad happens, okay? Okay!" I exclaim dragging Ajax behind me.

Shit, I don't know where I'm going. "Ajax... where are we going?" I ask going from in front of him to behind him. He shakes his head with a smile. "Just follow me" he motions after himself.

"Okay, we're here" Ajax says walking into this shed. Where is this person at? "Where is the Hyde?" I ask looking around at the other nightshades. They all look at me in confusion. "He didn't let me come by myself, he said he can be on the ready just incase the monster shows it's true form" Ajax says explaining to everyone why I'm here. I cross my arms and nod confidently. We hear footsteps outside along with Wednesdays voice. The other voice I hear is so familiar, I'll know when we come out then.

I zone out as the conversation outside has no interesting details so I couldn't really hear anything being said. Until I hear the door open and everyone starts to walk out. "She isn't alone" Bianca says walking in front of coffee boy? What's he doing here? They don't think coffee boy is the monster do they? I mean he does act weird but he doesn't look like the kind of person to kill people. His fathers the fucking chief of police for fucks sake. He looks around analyzing everyone here before his eyes land on me. His eyes widen with this look in his eyes, fear maybe? No, not that. You know that look on your face when you realize all hope is lost? Yeah that's more like it.

I laugh. "You guys don't actually believe coffee boy is the monster do you" I say between laughter. "Your just gonna laugh right now?!" Coffee boy questions. I nod with a sadistic smile. "You guys are crazy!" He says. "Oh hunny, trust me. You haven't seen the worst of it" I say in a sadistic tone. I give him a little sadistic smile as well. He shrieks, and before you know it he's out cold. "Okay, monster uncovered, I'm gonna go now, you guys can do what you wish to do with him but make sure you tie him up because he isn't someone you should just mess around with" I say walking off. Ajax stops me giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back at the dorm in a bit okay? Save some room for me in the bed alright?" He asks softly. I nod smiling into his touch. He kisses me one more time on the lips, just a little peck, before going back towards the nightshades and Wednesday. "Y/n" Wednesday calls making me turn. "Yeah?" I ask. "Pleasure doing business with you" she says nodding a bit. I smile, nodding back. "Pleasures all mine" I say turning around walking back to the dorm.


I stay up on my phone scrolling through TikTok waiting for Ajax to come back because this bed feels empty without him in it with me. C/n completely took over my bed, I mean I gave it to him, but he still was gonna take it over anyways so it worked out for him. I hear the door open quietly and see Ajax slipping back into the room closing the door softly. He turns on the small lamp to illuminate the room a bit so he can see where he's going. He then looks up to the bed jumping when he sees me on my phone. "You scared me, I thought you were sleeping" he says walking over to me. I scoot over so he can lay down by me. "So what happened? His ass get sent to jail?" I ask. He shrugs. "I doubt it, Wednesday started torturing him so we all dipped and had to tell principal Weems about it" he explains. They snitched on her?! Fake. Ass. Bitches! My jaw drops as I put on a face of disbelief. He looks at me confused. "So you guys snitched on her?!" I exclaim. "Yeah, she started shocking him, we don't even know if he's the real monster she said it was all based off some visions" he says. Oh no, that's not good. "Well they could've been right! You don't know what she saw, so  she could've just dumped the boy she was talking to and torture him just for the fun of it?!" I say. He nods. "That kinda sounds like her, she's does a lot of weird and unexpected stuff" he says shrugging. Oh, he's right...

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