•- Chapter 4 -•

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"Hey what the fuck?" I say looking down at myself. Im tied up hands and even my feet. What the fuck happened. I look around trying to find out where I am, a library? I have no idea which library seeing as I've never really been to any libraries since I moved schools. Ah shit.

     "Your awake" a voice says. I look to see someone with a hold over their head not giving me a good look at their face. I glare. "No shit" I spat. "Hey we aren't gonna keep you here forever we just need to ask you some questions okay?" This person asks. My eyes widen in realization. "Ajax!" I yell. "Ajax is fine we didn't take him, just you" this person says walking up to me. He is oddly familiar to me. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask still glaring. "You'll find out, or you won't" he says. I sigh.
     "Ok let's get started" another voice says walking into my vision. As soon as she speaks more people began to circle around me. "Why did you come to this school?" The girl says. "Why do you need to know?" I ask glaring at the hooded figure. What the hell do these people want from me? "This isn't gonna be easy for you then" the girls says reaching for something. As soon as I see it my eyes are wide. A siren. "Now listen here you bitch I don't know what the fuck you want from me but this isn't right" I say trying to scoot back from her. "No I think it is" the girl says. "Using your siren song to get what you want? That isn't right! Don't you guys agree with me come on what if it's something deep huh?" I say trying to get someone to defend me. I try to look for the boy I was talking to earlier but they all looked the same. I didn't want to have to do this but I guess I don't have a choice. "Fuck!" I say with anger plastered all over my face. I kick my foot against the floor so the chair falls back. As soon as my hands hit the floor I grow vines from out of the floor and I use it to break the chair. I was trying to go through the rest of the year without having to use my abilities but now I see that was a stupid move on my part. "You know what fuck you guys! I'm out of here" I say looking around for an exit, bingo. I see stairs leading up so I go to the stairs, but I'm stopped by an arm. Shit. I get pushed back, now with my escape blocked off. I'm surrounded, again. Someone goes forward sticking their hand out like their reaching out for me. "Stop it doesn't have to go like this" the boy from earlier says. "Then why didn't you stick up for me when that damn siren try to use her siren song on me" I say glaring with my eyes still wide open, making me look insane. "Just answer our questions and we will let you go" he says closing in on me. I put my hand over my cape, actually ready to take it off. "Back Off" I say tightening my grip. Grip tightened so hard that my veins start to pop out. "We know you won't take it off, we heard your little chat with your roommate" the girl speaks up, making me look at her instead. "Try me" I say threatening her.

     "What are you doing? If you keep threatening him he isn't gonna tell us anything" the boy says. "I can just use my siren song" she says. I start to freeze up. She right, even if I do take off my vape and try to fly away I won't make it far before her song stops me. I start tearing up, I can't get out of this. I can die, just like my parents and siblings did. They wanted me to live, I can't live if I don't even know who these people are. I don't know what to do. I suck up my tears and glare at any of the hooded figures in front of me. "Get the fuck out of my way before I kill you, all of you!" I say threatening them all. I see the siren take off her necklace. I quickly grow a vine and tangle it around her neck preventing her from breathing and talking. I raise the vine off the floor and start to tighten its hold on her neck. "Calm down okay we weren't gonna hurt you" the boy says walking up to me slowing with his hands in the air. "No, back off!" I say using the vines to push him against a wall, he stops breathing for a bit and starts tapping the vines. "As for you, I want to know who you are" I say turning my gaze to the girl I had off the floor. I grow another vine to reach up to her good when I'm stopped. A hand on my neck, I grow a vine to tangle up everyone else in this room. I pull off the hood of the girl I raised in the air and I drop her vine in shock. My jaw dropped and my eyes wide.

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