chapter 4: old beginnings

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Maria looked at this new fighter, flames and all, in utter awe. "No they don't. They just keep coming." Her thick, mountain accent came out with each kiai. "Stay down you tone deaf pos. Gah, you sucked then, you suck now." As she swung, a green hue surrounded her as the earth itself formed a ball in front of her. She launched it full force at a mass of the metal creeps as they tried to sneak into the building. "Wow, I still got it. I thought the meteor powers were gone. What brought them back?"

Jon came out onto the roof and yelled down to her. "Hey green, catch!" He launched something full force down to her. She caught it and stood in disbelief. "Thanks Jon. Thought you got rid of these old things. Ya know, tossed them in a Goodwill box or something." She laughed as the last of the scaletrons disappeared. She put the morpher on her wrist and rubbed it. "Welcome back old friend."

But her joy was short lived as a dark cloud formed on the ground. "Oh great, a dimensional riff is opening. Hold on tight new guy!" She pushed a button on her morpher and activated a dome around the area. "Welcome to the battle dimension. It puts a seal over us that seals in the battle. From the outside, it looks like a normal day where people can pass through. Only those with powers can be in here. I trust you may have some fire tricks up your sleeves because it's about to get crazy." As she spoke, two creepy monsters rose from the riff. Honky Tonk and Ziphop reared their ugly heads. "Remember us Green Ranger? We're back and with more bite!" She kissed her morpher and rubbed it again. "Here's hoping I remember the call." She rose her hand to the sky and yelled. "Power of Earth, hear me! DRUM LINE, ONLINE!!!!" With a fluid motion, she mimicked that of playing a drum to activate the morpher. " CYMBAL PLAYER, DRUM IN POWER!!!!!" A mighty crash was heard as two green crash cymbals formed her helmet. The straps became her uniform.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, the Green Catamount Thunder Ranger was back in action. "Crashing Earth, Catamount Thunder Green Ranger!" The sound of a Catamount's cry was heard amongst the sound of crash cymbals.

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