chapter 9: The leaders meet

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He looks at her impressed and awestruck at her new form as he grabs his blaster from his side and converts it to a sword mode as he calls out "GF blaster, sword mode" which made the blade extend as he swings both at ziphop cutting him repeatedly as he channels his flames to both his blades as they seem to ignite in fire as he takes a sword pose then starts spinning like a tornado calling out "two sword technique, sword inferno".

He then picks up speed as he slices him repeatedly going around him as the grounds ignite around ziphop as he screams from the intense heat before Demetrius turns around and slices the inferno in an x shape sending him flying to the ground. Ziphop stands up and glares at guardian red. "we'll meet again red boy" he said to Demetrius.

He then vanished in a dimensional riff as he converts his blaster to a longer blaster and inserts his sword and fires multiple shots at Honky tonk as he lands by catamount green. "the spirits are upset your evil is harming them so we will smite you where you stand. " he says in a sage like voice before pointing his GF Blaster custom at Honky tonk as Honky tonk went wide eyed vanishing giving both of them the stink eye.

"I hate when they do that don't you?" he says making his weapon vanish then looks at her saying "guardian red power down!" as the suit vanishes and he is reverted to the guy from before. "name's Demetrius, leader of guardian force from angel grove nice to meet you" 

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