Chapter 18: Catamount Cry

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Maria nodded. "Drum line to the ready!" Ben and Austin fell to the ready beside her. "Catamouts, Roar! DRUM LINE, ONLINE!" The same green cymbals encased her, as a red snare drum encased Austin and white tenor drums encased Ben. The same cry was heard as three Catamount Thunder Rangers stood before them. "Rangers, move out!" The trio marched into battle, fighting scaletrons and darkoids left and right.

The battle was heating up as Austin fired up his Snare Saber. Two snare sticks combined to form the blade. Ben upped the game by pulling out his Tornado Cannon. A smaller set of tenor drums fit onto a harness to form the body and barrels. Not to be outdone, she summoned her Slicing Cymbals.

From the top of the Jackson County Courthouse, a thunder bolt shot out into the town square. "Time to have some fun." Eric shot down in a bolt of lightning, morphing as he did. "DRUM LINE, ONLINE!" He took a few goons out as he landed. " Oh yeah, I'm back baby!" A rushing tide came from across the road onto the main highway. A blue streak came surfing down the river. "Red heads do have fun. DRUM LINE, ONLINE!" Hunter swept in and and washed a good portion of goons down the Tukaseegee River. When the water cleared, cars began to move on their own. A magnetic wave sent a shock wave into the scaletrons, shutting them down. "Someone for a little, animal magnetism?" Blake hovered over the town square on a metal board. "DRUM LINE, ONLINE! Time to party.

The six reunited and gave eachother a group hug. Maria broke it up. "Rangers, unite! Catamouts Roar!!!!" "Fire Snare!" "Wind Tenor!" "Water Bass!" "Earth Cymbal!" "Thunder Ensemble!" "Metal Rhythm!" "Catamout Thunder!!!!!"

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