Chapter Two

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I wake up stiff. Sleeping sat upright isn't as bad as they always put it but lets just say it doesn't do you wanders. I glance out of the window, Doms sat in one of the chairs. I force myself out of my seat and lean against the pole oposite him, arms crosed. "So what is really up with you guys and Reyes? It must be something big if you want to get every single squid of him." I ask and he looks up, into my grey eyes.

"We got one of his cars, something really important, had a chip in it. He wants us dead now and we have the infomation. We can definately use it against him. He's not the only one though. There is a team from America. They hit there target every time. We have to check our backs twise now. Hopefully neither know you guys are with us yet. We're counting on it. They will soon though." He explains and after all these years I can't get over how gravely his voice is. It kinda suits his looks. Tanned skin, bald head, huge muscles.

"Well, looks like you have assembled a kick-ass team here. Even if some of them are a bit, um, different." I say and he chuckles.

"You fit right into that category. Have some weird quirks." he says and I punch him. "So how long you been a recluce?"

"Ah, races are few and far apart in Britan. Don't get me wrong, we're bonkers but I don't know. There are the chaves that maybe can't afford the cars then the posh who probably have the cars but would never race 'em like we do. Anyway, seems like you have been in the thick of it." I muse, raising an eyebrow. I can't quite put a finger on my hair colour, it's between brown and blonde, doesn't seem to be able to make it's mind up.

"Ah, maybe. Brian has been behind it really." He says

"Can he drive though?"I ask.

"Damn right he can. Could still beat him though." He smiles.

"Bet you could. Hows Mia?" I ask, I haven't seen her in ages. We used to be close, they are family. Something tells me this new lot will be too. To be honest, I'm not sure being close to me is good for you.

"Ah, she's alright. Been dragged in this and is wanted so in this buisness, pretty good." I chuckle at this. "How's everyone else?" He asks.

"Dead."I say bluntly, somthing in my stomach stiring. "Actually, I can't garentee that. Dad went on a job, didn't come back, you know about my mum and then Oscar went out in a crash. T-boned, fuel leaked and Boom, done. Right infront of me." I say looking at the ground to my right. It was always risky growing up in this buisness. Parents, brother gone. Last in the line. That's why Dom and Mia are family. Got no one else left to use that word on. "How's Vince?" I ask, changing the subject, trying to kill the angry dragon in my stomach. But Dom just shakes his head.

"I'm really sorry." he says and I shake my head.

"Morrnin'." Says a groggy voice from the shadows and Han walks into our line of view. How much did he hear? Oh, I don't care anymore.

"Morrnin'. Right, I'm moving my car into a keep safe place incase." I say, pushing of the pole.

I walk back into the warehouse with brunch. Some brizilian food. Everyone's up and huddled round a computer. I chuck the stuff onto a rickety table and lean over Mia to see what they're all staring at. When she notices she smiles sadley and puts her arm around my sholders. Dom must have told her. We are looking at a profile of Luke Hobbs. I skim it. Seems like he's the one after us. "Well, to brighten the mood, I bought Brunch." I say and pull away. We sit in our circle of chairs and eat and Tej fills me in on what I missed. Vince is here. Saved Mia from Reyes, so he's with us.

"So we know the man that's after us. We also now have a job for Rico and Tego to do." Tej says. Rico and Tego speak alot in spanish. I can speak many languages, but not spanish. So most of the time I don't know what level they're on. We schedual it for three days time, enough time to plan. And that is exactly what we do. Until Hobbs closes in.

Two days later, as I'm sat at the computers, something catches my attention and makes my heart sink. All of us are already on the wanted list, believe Mr that caused a riot, but this is a whole lot worse."Guys!" I hollar, getting up. "There coming!" I say as they start to take notice. Normaly, panic would insue, but um pretty sure these people won't loose there calm that easily. Except maybe Roman. You see, Dom, Brian and Mia managed to put trackers on there cars some time so we can now see where they are. So we put our emergency plan into action. I leap into one of the old cars we have in the warehouse with Han and we start heading out. Me and Han have a car, Roman and Tej have one and Rico and Tego have one as they're pretty much inseparable. Though I don't know about there ability to drive. Thats why We're in the front and Tej is gaurding the back. I don't know what Dom plans to do with the other three, but I trust him. Although I'm not sure that's wise. I chew on my lip absentmindedly as I look at the screen on my phone. It's a bug I put on Mia secretly so I always know if she's safe. Perfectly designed for this sort of thing. Me and Tej worked on it together, therefore only he knows. My hart rate quickens as I see Hobbs and his crew burst through the warehouse door.

"Tej, it's not looking good." I inform him through the walkie-talkie that probably looks like I just got it from the shadows.

"What's going on?" His voice replies.

"Doesn't look like they had much of a plan. Hobbs just stormed in and they got nothing going on." I say quickly. When I'm upset I always start talking really posh, right proper. Dom always said they freak out when I do that.

"Plan?" Tej says and I can hear Roman ranting about something or other in the background, whereas Hans silent. I'm pretty sure he's assessing the situation. My mind silently ticks over, gears grinding.

"Um, maybe we could watch where they go and then plan on how to brak them out?" Is all I come up with and I'm pretty sure anyone could have come up with that. I know we could brake them out though, it's what we do.

"Best we got at the moment." Tej says and I sit back and watch the screen.

We wrench them into the shadows. About ten minuets into the drive to wherever Mia, Brian, Dom and vince where going there convoy got ambushed. By Reyes men by the looks of it. So natrally, we drove right there and am, as I said, pulling them into the dark shady side buildings. Looks like they've Killed every single member of Hobb's crew except him. They blew the car up or something, I wasn't looking to be honest. We all keep guns in the car so we've just grabed them. Dom looks around the corner and moves, we follow. Vince leaped onto the roof so he has a vantage point. We are not going to run away, no. We fight. No one tries to kill family not even when Hobbs is whith them, no. When I emerge everyone is shooting Reyes men so I join, hitting my target. Finally they all fall and I join the rest, who are standing with Hobbs. Dom just saved him. We just saved his butt. Doms and Lukes resembelence is quiet strange. Hobbs just has some tatoos. So what to do with the law? But then I notice Vince is nowhere to be seen. Then I spot a sickeningly fermiliar body and walk to it. I look down to see Vince, bullet wound seems to be cause of death. I just stand ther. I don't know what's going on behind me, just stand looking down at the body of the man I grew up with.

"Damn you Ares," God of war. " And you Hephaestus." god of many things including smithing. That means wepons. I'm not sure which one to hold acountable for this, but I'm swaying towards Ares. My tear suplys dried out a long time ago, so instead I just feel anger boil inside me. I feel a hand on my sholder just after my curse to the gods, as I clench and unclench my fists. A quick glance informs me it's Han and not soon after Mia comes to see what's up and hugs me tight when she sees. This wont go un-noticed.

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