Chapter Three

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We find another place to stay after collecting our stuff. Not safe enough aparently. We also got a set of wheels from somewhere mysterious. We rescedualed Rico and Tego's job and are currently doing it. So me, Tej and Han are sat at the computer, because we are aparently good at this stuff. I have a theory Han used to smoke. Always has to do something with his hands. Like now, where he has a packet of nuts. Rico and Tego has to sneak in to the police station, where Reyes is moving his money, set of explosives somewhere that will bust the plumbing, causing the pipes to go and us to gain access to the security cameras. Hobbs let us go. I don't know much else. I do know that the fact that they are moving the money to a police vault has riled us all up. It will be like braking into an army camp and last time I did that, it was a tad messy. "So, how do you know Dom?" I ask, for something to talk about.

"I met him in Mexico and we started running together." Han says popping a nut in his mouth.

"Only a few days ago, Brian called me in." Tej says. "You?"

"Known him since I was a teen when I moved to america." I say as I tap my fingers on the chair. "Do you know how long this will take?"

"Depends on whether they get caught. How long it takes them, the usual." Tej says.

"Isn't that just upbeat." Han says as I lean back. It really is hot over here, I'm not used to it. Just as I'm contenplaiting changing, the screen flickers and Tej dives forward and does what he's good at. Colour suddenly floods the screen and I can see every aspect of the station. Including the vault I immediatly know is the one the money is going to be put in. "That is going to be one hard vault to pop." Han says.

"Now we need to get one to see the in's and outs of it. Any ideas?" Tej says.

"Search me. Dom, we got it going!" I yell down to where the others are sat. They come and I move so they can see. The two come back not long after and we decide to celabrate. I grab three beers and ofer the two to Mia and Brian.

"No thanks. I'm not aloud." She grins, sat on Brians lap as he takes his and my mind whirrs. Mia just refused alchahol. But surely she can't be... I stare at the two as Brian rubs her stomach, they're both beaming.

"Mia Toretto, are you pregnant?" I ask outstanded. She nodds and I grin, jumping to hug the two and congratulate them. Soon the others catch on and join.

I admire the heavy, shiney new vault stood in the warehouse.

"What do you think Romeo?" I ask Roman, using my nick-name for him. I created it because he seems to think he's a ladys man. He throws me look befor awnsering.

"Well, it won't be easy but when is anything easy?" He says and I nodd.

"Needs a hand print." Tej says from where he stands, examining it.

"Easy." Roman sighs.

"In our dreams." I mutter and drop down next to Mia. I'm not sure I know the defenition of easy.

We spend another night examining it till morning.

"Right, we need a hand print. Han, you're up." Dom anounces.

"Always the easy job."Han mutters as he gets up and starts to walk.

"Let me change. I'm driving." I say, getting up aswell. I need to get out of here and Han intrigues me. They all look me up and down as I go to the side door.

"So how did you and Dom really meet?" Han asks as we walk to a table near Reyes on the beach.

"He was actually pissed at me. We were rivals in driving for a few months till we made peace. I see 6 guards." I say looking at Han as he eats some chips.

"I see 7, bum-bag guy. When did you go to Britan." He corrects me.

"Around the same time as you stoppped smoking. You always have to do something with your hands. I think you had around a pack and a half a day." I say, sipping my drink. Fruity.

"It's a bust. No way can we get through that many gaurds."He moves on, putting his chip down causing me to smirk.

"You may not be able to do it but never send a man to do a womans job." I sigh, dropping my shawl and walking towards Reyes. If you can't use your brain, use your body. A small blue bikini will work. I can feels Hans eyes on me as I stand at the stairs, one of the men holding a hand out to stop me from going in. Reyes notices soon though and motions to let me in. I smile suductivley and greet him. I shake hands with a few others and sit on the arm of his chair where he puts his hand on my back. Yep, I suppose Dom was right. What would the team do without me. Reyes hand slides down my back to my ass as he talks and I nodd and smile like one of those barbies. It may be uncomfortable but it's worth it, right? He finally has to move and I leave with a smile and walk around the corner aand wait for Han. He soon apears, my shawl in my hand. I would have thought he would have looked enough already but he keeps sending covert looks as we walk to the car and hop in and I become woried we might crash.

We sneak in and I change, handing the bikini bottom to Han when I have changed and we find Roman and Tej.

"What did you two get up to then? Thought she would be more a thong girl." Roman says as the two just grin at each other.

"No, here." Han says and I take out the special Torch and show the fingerprints on it.

"So did he slap or squeeze?" Tej jokes as I roll my eyes and the two high five.

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