Chapter Four

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"HAND 'EM OVER!" Roman calls, thinking he won the game of cards. Nuh uh. I couldn't let his ego rise higher, untouched. No no no no no. The others start handing him the chips but I silently lay my cards down, ending the game, perfect cards and bringing Romans ego crashing down. I just smile sweetly at him before half of them know what's happened and take the chips. I hear Han crunching on some crisps to my right and feel Dom smile to my left. I'd never let him down, and he knows it. Family stick together and win cards. That left everyone with the amount of chips they had won that amounted to the money they would get out of the game. I covertly chucked a few of my chips into Mia's and Brians's piles, I want that child not to grow up in poverty. Well after this we will either be in jail for life or extreamly rich. I know which one I'd perfer. But sometimes you gotta take risks. Especialy when it could help the people you love.

When Mia catches me I just pass her a wink and bask in my glory. At this very moment we were just figuring out what step to take next. I think back to the last thing we did:

We stormed a workhouse, knocking the guards out in our wake, rounding up the grubby workmen and women as Dom collected all the money kept there. We rounded them up to a huddle when a man from the front with a bloody nose spoke. I kinda admired his bravery. People storm your factory with guns, normal people don't really comment. I would, but I've been told many times I'm not quite 'Normal'.

"You're dead men! You're all dead men! You don't have a place to hide." He hollared, way to leave the ladies out. Maybe it's a sighn. I wont get killed but having everyone around me go is the worst sort of tourture. Trust me I know. But after his words Dom rips his balaclava off and we follow. Yeah, we went totally professional, Balaclavas.

"Who's hidin'?" Doms gravely voice spreads throughout the room with ease.

"Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Do you know whos house this is? Who's money you are stealing?" He asks, maybe outraged. I can't read minds. Okay English but still heavily accented. At this Dom gets the Petrol bottle and starts pouring it all over the money, soaking it. He chucks the tank away viciously, like it has personally done him wrong.

"We 'ent stealin' it." Dom said, looking in the mans eyes, all the workers have started to become wrestless, wondering what this man is doing. Dom brings out his lighter and chucks it at the money, quickly bursting into flames as the workers stare at it. They have probably never had that amount of money, and now we're burning it.

"You tell your boss exactly who did this." Dom said, walking up to the man on his knees as Roman shifts from foot to foot. Probably dosn't like the money being burned. Nor do I really. It's hot enough in Brazil without that factor. "Tell him there's more coming." At this the workers look down, as if cowering under our gaze. Well, probably Doms. At thus we made a swift exit.

So, are last expidition was okay. Got to see fire, Which the pyromaniac in me loves, got to use guns, which was cool- not really aloud in England, got to bust a building, which always brings exitement. But deep down I know I loved the bit where we were controlling the people. That part of me that I apsolutly hate. The bit that likes to controll people, to get them to do what I want. But I shove that bit of me down so deep it's in the figurative Tartarus. I have no idea why, but I know a odd amount of greek mythology. Guess as a kid it was just another thing that intrested me. Still does really, but don't tell a soul. Think about the people I hang with. I'm also picky about figurative and litral. Other than that, I don't think I mind too much. I think...

So yeah, we're chilling. Well, I've been pretty tense recently, thinking about Vince, but you can't let grief burry you. To be honest, I don't want people to grieve for me. I want them to live in my memory, remember me, don't cry on me. Don't worry. Unless I was murdered ( Which is unlikely- I'd like to see them try). If I was murdered, punish those Bastareds. I guess It's having he fact I can't protect everyone. Again. I slip out as the others debate who came second, which I'm pretty sure is Han if I was paying proper attention, and lean against a pole. Despite how much I complain about the quite at home, I seem to be releshing it lately. Mia soon creeps up on my and I smile at her, she's always been able to do that.

"Girly chat?" She asks, grining.

"Your oven is ocupied by a bun!" (I'd like to thank my friend Jacob for that one) I almost screetch. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? You're family!"

"Well it never came up." She blushes as that grin I love creeps across her face.

"Never came up!" I mimic, scoffing. "It's a massive thing! I tell you when I get a stone in my shoe."

"That was a pretty big stone once." Mia mused, with a grin.

"Damn right. Might aswell have been a mountain!" Mia can always make me cheerfull. Always.

"So Brian, huh? Is he right to bring up my god child? Or will I be Aunty?" I ask, sinking to the ground. I lay one leg down but keep the other bent, using it to prop my arm up.

"Both. But can we trust you?" She says, still grining.

"Nope. I'll take them to there first race when there five. They'll remember it then. Teach them to work with cars. Teach them some good stuff they wont learn in normal schools. But you will let me because you love me and I have the power of persuasion for Brian." I say, tipping my heaad back.

"Can't fault your argument." She says. "So got any love insrest in your life." She says, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No, Mia, I'm a solo agent." I say with a smirk. I have always said that to Mia for the main reason that I haven't found anyone and well... I have only ever done anything with Dom with the cars. No one else.

"Ah, well, I can think of one person that might have there eyes on you..." she teases and to be honest I'm taken aback. I raise my eyebrows at her in question. "So don't be depressed, there is hope for everyone!" She yells and I almost curl in on myself. I love her,she can make me smile but she can be embarrassing. So I hit her.

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