Chapter 5

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For once, Mum's dropping me off this morning. I give her a side hug goodbye and wave before walking into school with a newfound determination to avoid Gray today. I can do this.

Thanks to my perfectly timed arrival, the first-period bell rings as soon as I walk into the building, yet another strategy to avoid Gray. I cautiously walk to my chemistry class, checking around corners and probably looking like a complete and utter weirdo.

I walk into the classroom and nod at my chemistry teacher, Ms Myers, then take a seat next to Alex before taking my books of out my bag.

"So far so good?" Alex checks.

"Apart from looking like a paranoid idiot, I think so. I'm just a tad worried about lunch."


"It's so musty in there! I swear they haven't opened a window in centuries in that place, but it's certainly better than the other option."

Ms. Myers clears her throat and gives Alex and me a stern look, we both sigh and get on with our work, which by the way, is super boring. Halfway through the lesson, I groan and slam my head against the desk, earning an amused glance from Alex.

"How are you not bored out of your mind?" I hiss.

Alex chuckles, "Unlike some people, I have a better attention span than a toddler on a sugar high."

I roll my eyes and try to prove Alex wrong, but my efforts prove fruitless. By the time the bell rings for me to head off to French, I've answered two questions and almost cried out of boredom five times.

"I'll see you at lunch!" I call to Alex as I run, ninja style, towards the math block.

I'm about to head into the classroom when I bump into a wall. A muscular, black-haired, tall, human, wall.

"Sorry," I mumble and try to dodge Gray.

"Jeez princess, what's the rush?" Gray asks. As I try to walk away, his hand reaches out and grabs my lower arm. Pleasuring tingles ripple through my body, and the urge to kiss Gray is stronger than ever. I try to pull his hand away from me, but his grip is strong.

"I need to get to class," I say through gritted teeth. This guy is seriously getting on my nerves.

"Or... you could stay with me. Tempting, isn't it?"

"Remember I'm in your head," He says, and I feel that presence feeling come back.

I glare at him, and rip his arm off me, then storm into class. Why can't I get away from him!? He's everywhere!

"Sorry I'm late," I mumble, then sit at the back of the class.

This time, it's easy for me to focus, anything to take my mind off a certain tattooed someone who's in my head far too much for my liking. I'm not used to concentrating on schoolwork, so I jump a bit when the bell rings, before packing up my things and heading to the library. I hope Alex remembered to tell the others to go there...

I told Alex the library's musty, but, 'Nooo, it's chill, trust me it's nice'. I have to hold back a sneeze when I walk in, and the silence in here puts me on edge. I don't see Louise or anyone, so I find a book and a comfy chair and relax. Huh, this is nice, maybe I should do this more often.

With the combination of silence, a very comfortable chair and an interesting book, I'm lost in my own world, oblivious to everything around me. I don't know how much time passes and I don't care, I finally feel relaxed instead of tense or worrying. I let out a small content sigh and turn the page in my book, unaware of the figures approaching me.

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