The Truth

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Lucifer opens a old door with a key. It looks like it hasn't been open for 40 years.  Him and Charlie walk in and take a look around. Nothing has been touched for so long. It is dusty and full of spiders.

Charlie:dad what is this room?

Lucifer:this my daughter. Was your little brothers room several years ago. You see 40 years ago. He ran off and wasn't seen since. You were devastated of losing him and me and your mother couldn't bare to see you in that condition. So i had an angel sent down here to erase your memories of him. And we tried to keep him out of your memories. But now that you know that an Imp was your brother. And that imp that was here. He wasn't culted on by a demon. He was transferred down by his father. They both have our powers and seems that the imp that took you hostage was your nephew. He seems to be stronger than us. And i didn't realize it till i saw his face and knew it was the exact image of your brothers face. So it isn't a coincidence that he came here with those powers. His father is out somewhere. And he is the key to finding your long lost brother. I'll make a deal with him and then leave his lover and kids alone after that. But one favor from him and that'll be it.

Charlie:so i had a brother and a nephew and you just erased my memories so i don't be devastated my whole life in every picture of my brother?

Lucifer:yes darling. And your brother was named-


Millie:Moxxie! Max just called and him and his girlfriend are coming over!

Moxxie:Alright sweetie! Just make sure the place isn't much of a mess. Because she is the princess after all.

Millie:the place ain't that durty honey.... just relax. Besides he did plan on marring her. But was post pond because of that exterminator. So we should call her his wife!

Moxxie:i guess you got a point. Well they should be coming soon.

Moxxie then took out an old from. He wiped the dust off and blows the rest. It showed; Charlie, Lilith, Lucifer, and and him in the  photo. He sighed thinking about what happened all those 40 years ago. But in 10 years after he ran away. He found Millie. And had a child with her. And now their son has a future wife. And maybe future grand kids. He doesn't regret anything he has done. He poved this life. Not his prince life. The life he chose to have. Especially with Millie. And he wouldn't change a thing.

He put the frame back and walked intk the living room.

(Short i know but. I ran out of ideas. And i won't show the reaction of anyone else with Octavia being pregnant. Also it is basically completely normal for royals to get pregnant at this age. Stolas was around in his early twenties or late teens when he and Stella conceived Octavia. And basically, Stella is like one or two years younger than stolas. So it is normal. Just Octavia probably won't have eggs. Probably born the same way max was. Anyway enjoy this short one. Maybe the next one will be short. But i don't know depends on how i am. Anyways enjoy your day or night)

Helluva boss: Moxxie and Millie's sonWhere stories live. Discover now