s2 ep5 (pt 3)

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The scene switches to a montage of Moxxie doing various things to investigate the killer of the client.

On Tuesday, Moxxie is seen climbing up a tree to get a better view of the camp. Moxxie brings up his binoculars to see the cabin, but as he was doing this, a volleyball hits him in the face which caused Moxxie to lose his balance. In short distance, Millie and the campers who were playing volleyball saw Moxxie falling off the tree and then crashing into the ground with a grimace.

On Wednesday, while Millie and the campers are canoeing in the lake, Moxxie surfaces with goggles and snorkels and slowly swims on over to the boat house. However, a freshwater demon shark suddenly surfaces and chomps Moxxie whole into its jaws before it starts viciously shaking Moxxie.

On Thursday, Millie is doing archery with the campers. She has one camper pose with an apple on top of his head while wearing a blindfold. She shoots the arrow and makes a bullseye on the apple. The other campers cheered while Millie peeks over. As for Moxxie, he was in the bush with his binoculars when an arrow with the apple Millie shot came over his head. He ducks and smiles that the arrow missed him. However, a giant bear with a arrow that had an apple pierced its left eye towers over the bush with an angry expression at Moxxie. He was petrified for a brief second before he was about to get mauled by the bear.

After a painful week with no results, on Friday, a flyer that had Millie's picture was handed over to her by the Lifeguard Dude and became excited. Millie runs over to Moxxie, who is now an outcast with him being kicked ouaffiti word : "Bitch" spray-painted on it. Moxxie emerges with vines painfully wrapped around him, his shoe missing, and is looking more angrier by the day. He throws the binoculars down and tries to get the vine off him before a swarm of crows swoops in and attack him, pecking his face before they dispersed. He sits down by his campfire that was burned out and stretched his digitigrade feet before Millie comes into the picture.

Millie: MOX! MOX! You'll never believe it! They want me to perform on stage tonight for the local news! Those videos have made me some kind of human celebrity!

Moxxie has had enough of Millie overshadowing him and getting the attention, so he takes his frustration out on her over their incompetence of working on the job.

Moxxie: All week it's been "Oh look at Millerd! Isn't HE great?" "Oh, look how talented Millerd is!" We have a job to do, and you're off dancing for views! Why does it matter SO MUCH how these yokels feel about you?

Millie has lost any form of shine and is now feeling disappointed and upset that Moxxie wasn't being happy for her.

Millie: It doesn't. It matters how I feel about myself. And for one, I feel like... *tears forming* like I'm important. Like I'm someone to be proud of...

The more Millie takes her frustration out on Moxxie, the more he feels guilty that he gets his jealously the best of him. Millie wipes her face and comes over to shove the paper on his chest.

Millie: And I had hoped that my husband would be there to support me half as much as I've supported him this week!

Millie turns around with her back turned against her husband. Moxxie was now guilty that not only was he a terrible husband, but he also made his wife cry.

Moxxie: Millie, I didn't mean-

Millie: SAVE IT, MOX!

In some dramatic movie scene, the POV switched to Millie and Moxxie.

Millie: You could have finished that job any time if you had just listen to me, but you wanted to do thing your way. So, fine. Finish the job, go home if you want to - *turns around and starts stepping forward and Moxxie trips over a stake* But, I'm gonna have my moment, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!

Helluva boss: Moxxie and Millie's sonWhere stories live. Discover now