Chapter 1 -The bitter world

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this world is one with many opportunities for all with powers but if you are born weak in this world you will die forgotten, alone, bitter and angry as you see in this world many people have these abilities called quirks. those with strong quirks like my sister are deemed powerful in society but those who are like me with a weak quirk or even quirkless are deemed weak. and they cannot change their destiny it is all written they shall die weak, forgotten and alone.

the dynamic of power in this world is that of 2 groups those who initiate mindless chaos with no goal in mind, only to breed further conflict, hatred, and bitterness and those who bring about law, the creators of order these major factions have trickled down into heroes and villains who initiate in conflict for pointless goals. when the former initiates conflict with the ladder then the ladder shall retaliate with more conflict trapping both in an endless cycle of hatred.

my goal is simply to bring about an era of peace where both groups shall live in peace, to create a society that does not treat one based on their quirk but that of a society that shall judge a person based on their actions. I will create a utopia free of power and control where all can live in harmony.


throughout all of my life, I had loving parents both of whom I respect dearly and a twin brother whom I also love dearly I am Izumi Yagi born to my father Toshinari Yagi and my mother Inko Yagi they're both superheroes who I've always respected and loved. their job was to protect people from bad guys known as villains or to save them from disasters like burning buildings or floors. My father is the number one ranked hero Allmight while my mother is the number two ranked hero telepathy both of them love saving people and putting a smile on their faces. When I and my brother grow up we wanted to be just like them saving people and putting a smile on their faces. But everything changed the day we got our quirks tested.

Izumi wake up! today's the day we get out quirks tested said a young boy with dark green messy hair sticking up in different directions, his dark green irises gleamed with excitement while the diamond-shaped freckles on his face wrinkled as he smiled with excitement. yeah, give me a moment said the tired girl to her brother as she then realized that today was the day they got their quirk test before she too joined him in excitement as they both ran to their parent's room down the hall yelling and jumping on their parent's bed as they both screamed: mom, dad wake up today we got our quirk test come on we need to hurry up!"

the parents are jolted awake as the two of them could no longer sleep with all the loud noises created by their children. Izuku, Izumi what are you two doing here should you both not be asleep said Toshinari to his children to which they replied dad today's the day we get the quirk test come on we can't be late come on hurry! oh my I forgot that was today you two quickly hurry downstairs and go eat breakfast I'll wake up your mom and we'll start getting ready. Okay, see you dad said Izuku as he followed his sister downstairs.

as the kids got downstairs both of them had a simple meal of a cup of milk, cinnamon toast crunch and a banana. I can't wait Izumi said to Izuku as they two talked about what they taught their quirks could be. Maybe we will be able to move objects with our minds just like mom does says Izuku. Or maybe we will be super strong and fast like dad is replied, Izumi. Whatever it is we will both work together to become super strong heroes just like mom and das said Izuku as he jumped into the air while punching up and posing like a hero. YEAH you're right we will become superheroes Izumi replied while joining in on his shenanigans performing her superhero pose.

the kids finished their breakfast at the same time their parents arrived downstairs to greet them. kids come quickly, were going to be later said Toshinari as he grabbed Izuku putting him on the shoulder while Inko grabbed Izumi putting Izumi on her shoulder as they all left the house heading for the car which they quickly got in before driving off to the hospital.

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