Chapter 3 - The Kyuubi

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"There she is!" whispered the kids to one another as they all watched the young girl walk by them she didn't understand why they treated her differently but one thing was for sure they all stayed away from her. at the same time, others were scared of existence. listen son never go near that girl - whispered a man to his son as Yaoyorozu walked by them. She could hear some of the conversations they were having. She's a demon in a child's body if you get near her she will kill you. Dad, is she a villain? yes son she is not only a villain but a monster. Yaoyorozu yelled back at the son and his father I'm not a monster! Why does everyone call me that what did I do to you all? the father horrified by Yaoyorozu grabs his son as he runs away in fear from the young girl. As Yaoyorozu continued to cry she run back home to her mom and dad who both look at her with sadness in their eyes. Yaoyorozu what's wrong? asked her mom as both her parents brought her in for a hug. The people in the park keep calling me a monster, demon and villain I don't know what I did but they all seem to be scared of and they all hate me. As she continue to cry in her parent's hug they both went silent.

Yaoyorozu the truth is they are wrong said her father in his most comforting voice. Listen Yaoyorozu it doesn't matter what those people think of you as long as you have me and your mother we will always love you. But Daddy I just want friends who care for me and will play with me at the park. No Yaoyorozu you must stay away from the kids at the park don't talk to them anymore. listen me and you mom decided it would be best to move to another city as it would give you a fresh start and an opportunity to make friends. Yaoyorozu stopped crying upon hearing the news she was happy to think that she would be able to make new friends and maybe even the people in the new city wouldn't be mean to her like the people in this city. YAY yelled Yaoyorozu in excitement as she seemed to stop crying about the incident at the park and asked her parents when are we moving Mom, dad? 1 week from now replied her mom she got up and left excited telling her parents she was gonna go and pack all her favourite toys as well as books. Okay, dear make sure to go to bed afterwards replied her mom as Yaoyorozu left for her room. As Yaoyorozu left for her room both of her parents knew why those people said those things to her back at the park.

1 week earlier

Ijiwaru was ready for his final act either he would kill Yaoyorozu or be killed by her Yaoyorozu he run towards the young girl preparing his halberd for battle. There she was running toward the sandbox as a grin formed on his face before he tried to run toward her but couldn't the stab wound was too deep he was in too much pain. Damn it Yaoyorozu I'll make sure you pay for this with your blood as he walked slowly towards her. Yaoyorozu who had been running for a while finally arriving at the sand pit was out of breath. As she inhaled in deep breaths exhausted from all that happened she had to keep moving. I didn't wanna do this she said to herself in her mind but she had no other option preparing herself she created a small pistol and 3 rubber bullets to go with it. The pain of creating the gun hurt badly as she could feel the life from her drain almost collapsing on the floor but she had to keep going. Ijiwaru was hot on her trail he would soon arrive at her location. She had no choice she turned to the direction the boy was coming from and prepared to shoot. The boy was at the most 8 meters away and approaching her slowly she yelled to him as loud as could towards Ijiwaru: stop this Ijiwaru I don't wanna hurt you.

he quickly responded: shut up Yaoyorozu I fucking hate you and it's time you pay for what you did. The frustrated boy start running towards her as fast as he could as he prepared to stab Yaoyorozu with his halberd. Yaoyorozu quickly shot at the boy aiming for the same wound she had given him earlier but missed. DAMNIT she thought to herself as the boy finally got close enough to her to stab her. He took the halberd and used it to slice Yaoyorozu as he quickly aimed for her upper leg making sure to cut it to immobilize her. The halberd came swinging from the sides and sliced her thigh as she fell down screaming in pain. Ijiwaru quickly grabbed the small pistol she made wondering her she got it but decided it would be best to save that for later. he took the last 2 bullets remaining in the gun and shoot Yaoyorozu. once in the stomach at the same place, he was stabbed and the second place was her heart. As the shoots were fired nothing but silence followed. No one was around all the kids that were there originally were nowhere to be seen. Now gone no one but a now presumed-dead Yaoyorozu and Ijiwaru he clutched the bleeding wound in his stomach and walked away taking the pistol Yaoyorozu had with her. 

As he continued to walk away he quickly retracted his halberd returning it to his normal hand. Nothing but silence was heard he walked away from Yaoyorozu as if nothing had happened. He finally accomplished the goal he was here to kill Yaoyorozu for messing with him in the playground. The silence was finally broken by the sounds of the ground shaking and the wind blowing. The winds got faster and the shaking got louder for Ijiwaru it seemed as though judgment day had arrived and it was time for him to atone for his sins. the clouds rolled in faster than the winds blown as lightning stoke all around him. Ijiwaru looked at the chaos going on all around him he looked behind him towards the body of Yaoyorozu where he could see changes beginning to happen right in front of his eyes. Her body began to develop a menacing red aura all around her. 

Ijiwaru look on in shock all of a sudden the wounds he had given were healing at an inhuman rate the blood from her wounds disappeared into the same menacing aura. As the nails on her hands grew several inches longer. she started to stand up her once black eyes had been replaced by a deep crimson with a black diamond as the pupils. she stared at the boy not saying a word. Ijiwaru could not move fear overtook his body his brain was telling him to run away from her as fast as possible but his legs wouldn't respond. Yaoyorozu he said quietly needing to muster up all the courage he could to say anything to her as she didn't respond. her face turned into a scowl as she got down on both her legs and hands into a more animal-like position. She ran towards the boy like a predator chasing its prey. As Ijiwaru's leg didn't respond to his brain's commands in time Yaoyorozu sliced up his face. cuts on his face appeared everywhere as they all began seeping out blood. Ijiwaru could feel the blood dripping from all parts of his face as his emotions of fear changed into anger the pain was unbearable but before he could retaliate Yaoyorozu attacked again this time she would take off one of his hands.

As Ijiwaru prepared to face off against Yaoyorozu she came back right at him again she tackled him to the ground making sure to pin both of his hands as she kneed him in the wound she gave him earlier. Ijiwaru coughed up blood everywhere it flow down from his mouth to his neck onto his body. Yaoyorozu quickly grabbed the boy and flipped his whole body landing him on his stomach the wound she gave him grew bigger but this would be the last bit of life for Ijiwaru. She grabbed his right hand with both of her hands and the claw-like nails dug into his skin causing tears everywhere as blood began to drip. quickly she located Ijiwaru's elbows she began to apply pressure as she pulled with force until his arm was ripped off at the elbow. the sounds of bone cracking could be heard followed by a loud but short-lived ripping sound as the arm was taken off. Ijiwaru did not scream for he was already dead. Yaoyorozu throw his hand away and proceeded to fall down next to Ijiwaru as she collapsed from exhaustion.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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